BlockDAG algorithms Go Lang simulation.
BlockChain (for example Bitcoin, Etherum, etc.) is just a 'k=0' special subtype of BlockDAG, that's why they suffer from the highly restrictive throughput. DAG is the future!
Thanks Yonatan Sompolinsky and Aviv Zohar for the most important contributions on blockDAG research, and their great paper "PHANTOM: A Scalable BlockDAG protocol" on International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) in Feb. 2018.
They setup a start-up company to develop BlockDAG since Q4 2017, their website: []. And there's an official DAGlabs slack channel: [].
Here is my Go Lang environment, the other Go version such as 1.9 should also be OK.
$ go version
go version go1.10.1 darwin/amd64
To run the simulation for the example on the paper page 7 Fig.3 or page 16 Fig.4, for algorithm 1 Selection of a blue set.
$ go test -run=Fig3
$ go test -run=Fig4
To add a new example DAG to see the DAG blue selection behaviour, it's quite easy. For example, to test a DAG in this figure 'Fig.4', just add a piece of codes like this:
ChainAddBlock("Genesis", []string{}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("B", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("C", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("D", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("E", []string{"Genesis"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("F", []string{"B","C"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("I", []string{"C","D"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("H", []string{"E"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("J", []string{"F","D"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("L", []string{"F"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("K", []string{"J","I","E"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("N", []string{"D","H"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("M", []string{"L","K"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("O", []string{"K"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("P", []string{"K"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("Q", []string{"N"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("R", []string{"O","P","N"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("S", []string{"Q"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("T", []string{"S"}, chain)
ChainAddBlock("U", []string{"T"}, chain)
And Run it in Go Playground : Click to Run
. You can edit your blockDAG example and run the 'blue selection algorithm' online!
The output will be like this:
- BlockDAG Algorithms Simulation - Algorithm 1: Selection of a blue set. -
chainInitialize(): done. blocks= 20
blue set selection done. blue blocks = (G).B.C.D.F.I.J.K.O.P.M.R.(V). total blue: 13
To run the simulation for the example on page 3 Fig.2, page 8 "C. Step #2", for algorithm 2 Ordering of the DAG.
$ go test -run=Fig2
To run the benchmark test:
$ go test ./phantom -bench=Blocks -benchmem
$ go test ./ -test.bench BlueSelection -benchmem -run=^$
$ go test ./ -test.bench BlockOrdering -benchmem -run=^$
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