Project to expose data. Started in #pycon-au-2019 sprints
This evolved into a test bed of other experiments learing django.
We are using social-auth-app-django and installed it into our app using
And implement our own based on Since spotify also uses oauth 2 it was copied as a template.
To introduce the map using django-leaflet and
To build on geodjango learning we can use
Create a .env file. In vs code type code .env
and set up your varibles 1 per line.
Get yourself a developer application OAUTH keys from The redirect URL is http://localhost:8000/complete/musicbrainz/
Repeat for spotify The redirect URL is http://localhost:8000/complete/spotify/
Run postgis with docker on port 5430 and create a database called musicbrainz-django
I have a local postgresql 12 installed on my dev macosx dev box to have psql and other tools. I just prefer docker for postgis.
psql should be in path though on macos default is
MOUNT_DATA_PATH=~/Documents/postgresql-11/data docker run --rm --name alpine-pg11-postgis2dot5 -p 5430:5432 -v $MOUNT_DATA_PATH:/var/lib/postgresql/data mdillon/postgis:11-alpine sql --host=localhost --port=5430 --username=postgres <<EOF CREATE DATABASE "musicbrainz-django"; EOF
And use the following everytime your .env changes to update your Terminal with the correct environmnet varibales.
Install your dev environment from Pipenv or virtualenv. This project talks through virtualenv though commits a copy of Pipfile's.
pipenv install --dev
Activate the shell. VS Code terminal may do this for you. Needs to be done every Terminal window.
pipenv shell
This is required once only. Unless you need to delete your venv directory. Note when you update python from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4 you may be best to remove venv and restall dependencies. venv is just a convention name for calling your installation directly. This venv
folder is on purposely in the gitignore.
virtualenv --python=python3.7 venv
export $(grep -v '^#' .env | xargs -0)
Every time you log into your terminal. Note . is just short for typing source
. venv/bin/activate
Note your Terminal now having (venv)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the schema on the database
python migrate
Load the airports
python shell
from world.load import run_airports
Everytime you start a Terminal
For Pipenv
pipenv shell
Every time you log into your terminal. Note .
is just short for typing source
. venv/bin/activate
Lets just keep requirements.txt upto date to Pipenv when developers use Pipenv as source of truth.
jq -r '.default
| to_entries[]
| .key + .value.version' \
Pipfile.lock > requirements.txt
Change to dir to django root
cd musicbrainz/
The following are the automaic routes that come with python social auth.
^social/login/(?P<backend>[^/]+)/$ [name='begin']
^social/complete/(?P<backend>[^/]+)/$ [name='complete']
^social/disconnect/(?P<backend>[^/]+)/$ [name='disconnect']
^social/disconnect/(?P<backend>[^/]+)/(?P<association_id>\d+)/$ [name='disconnect_individual']
musicbrains api. Get the refresh token.
Use python social auth fork that includes musicbrainz. Like done in -
~~Make thise instructions use Pipenv.
or just keep requirements.txt upto date using Pipenv.~~
jq -r '.default | to_entries[] | .key + .value.version' \ Pipfile.lock > requirements.txt
Consider integration with Song Kick
Applied for API key through above website. It can take 7 upto days.
Get a handle of python social auth. Start by fixing #1 and understand the pipeline as it seems neat.
Relevant Tutorial:
See if using QGIS is possible intead of creating own admin screens.
Relevant Tutorial: