GJutilities is a collection of scripts useful in the analysis and management of:
- Initial sequencing data from Illumina high throughput NGS machines
- Wrappers for running and parsing commonly used command line tools like bedtools, samtools etc.
- Various data visualization techniques
For various scripts:
[gjain@gjvbx GJutilities ] $ python gjain_python_script_template.py *********************************************** - PROGRAM: gjain_python_script_template.py - CONTACT: Gaurav Jain ([email protected]) - LICENSE: Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *********************************************** usage: gjain_python_script_template.py [-h] -a1 --myarg1 [-a2 --myarg2] [-a3 --myarg3] [-fg] [-a4 {n,r,c}] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a1 --myarg1 *My argument one -a2 --myarg2 My argument two -a3 --myarg3 My argument three -fg, --smflag This is some flag. if set, perform some additional tasks -a4 {n,r,c}, --selval {n,r,c} The argument that can have only certain options - Please enter: -sc='n' for NONE -sc='r' for ROW -sc='c' for COLUMN ----------------- SAMPLE USAGE ------------------ - python gjain_python_script_template.py -a1="my_first_argument" - python gjain_python_script_template.py -a1="my_first_argument" -a2="my_second_argument" -a3=49 - python gjain_python_script_template.py -a1="my_first_argument" -a2="my_second_argument" -a3=49 -fg - python gjain_python_script_template.py -a1="my_first_argument" -a2="my_second_argument" -a3=49 -fg -a4='r'
[gjain@gjvbx GJutilities ] $ python merge_illumina_samples.py *********************************************** - PROGRAM: merge_illumina_samples.py - CONTACT: Gaurav Jain([email protected]) *********************************************** usage: merge_illumina_samples.py [-h] -id --indir -od --otdir [-du] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -id --indir *Input directory containing the unmerged fastQ files -od --otdir *Output directory to save the merged fastQ files -du, --dudir if set, delete unmerged fastq files dir (Default: False) ----------------- SAMPLE USAGE ------------------ - python scripts/merge_illumina_samples.py -id=input/raw_fastq/unmerged -od=input/raw_fastq/merged - python scripts/merge_illumina_samples.py -id=input/raw_fastq/unmerged -od=input/raw_fastq/merged -du ------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: Gaurav Jain [email protected] -------------------------------------------------
[gjain@gjvbx GJutilities ] $ python draw_combined_volcano_plots.py *********************************************** - PROGRAM: draw_volcano_plots.py - CONTACT: Gaurav Jain([email protected]) *********************************************** usage: draw_combined_volcano_plots.py [-h] -af --inpfl1 -bf --inpfl2 -of --opfile [-ix --idxnme] [-nf] optional arguments: -h, --help Show this help message and exit -af --inpfl1 * Input data file1. Ex: deseq2 results file1 -bf --inpfl2 * Input data file2. Ex: deseq2 results file2 -of --opfile * Output file name -ix --idxnme Index column name - (Default = GeneName) -nf, --filter_smallrna if set, filter any feature (based on low expression) from the inputDF (Default = False) ----------------- SAMPLE USAGE ------------------ - python draw_combined_volcano_plots.py -af=results_DEseq2/A_over_C_DE_RESULTS_common_gene_names.txt -bf=results_DEseq2/B_over_D_DE_RESULTS_common_gene_names.txt -of=diagnosis_plots/A_over_C_combined_with_B_over_D_volcano_plots.txt -ix=GeneName ------------------------------------------------- CONTACT: Gaurav Jain [email protected] -------------------------------------------------