Its a self learning project for NodeJs and Express
npm start
to start the app http://localhost:3333/admin/viewall
Superuser - superuser/gem123
- Install NPM package in a custom directory:
npm install --prefix ./install/here <package>
- HTML form Submit method only supports
rest methods can be used from AJAX.
- ExpressJS (NodeJS)
- Mongo DB (Cloud Hosted:
- CRUD Operations
- Populate
- Reference and embedded data
- express (Node framework)
- mongoose (Mongo ODM Object data modelling)
- pug (Jade HTML Templating)
- body-parser
- connect-flash
- express-session
- express-validator
- express-messages
- passport
- passport-local
- bcrypt
- Add New employee (
) - Done - Edit / Update employee (
) - Done - delete employee (
) - Done - See all employee (
) - Done - Search Particular employee (
) - Done
- See Profile
- Edit Profile
- Delete profile
- Payroll
- Register employee - Done
- Login employee - Done
- Logout employee - Done
- Setting Up Access control for user in the system
- Securing the ajax based end points