A Python Module to create logs on Discord, Telegram or a local file
pip install Logger-Zuj3brusu
pip install git+git://github.com/Zuj3brusu/Logger.git
from Logger import logger
# Creating a Logger object
loggerObject = logger.Logger()
One way to do this is to directly set the values of DcUrl and DcBotName while initializing the logger. Another way to do this is
# Set the values of Discord Webhook url and Bot Name
loggerObject.setDiscord(DcUrl = <Channel Webhook>, DcBotName = <Name of the Bot>)
# Start the Discord Logger
One way to do this is to directly set the values of TgChatID and TgbotAPI while initializing the logger. Another way to do this is
# Set the values of Telegram Chat ID and Bot API
loggerObject.setTelegram(TgChatID = <Chat ID>, TgbotAPI = <Bot API>)
# Start the Telegram Logger
While the FileLogger is initialized by default, you can still change any/all of the parameters. One way to do this is to directly set the values of FileLogger parameters while initializing the logger. Another way to do this is
# Set the values of Telegram Chat ID and Bot API
LogFolderLocation = <LogFolderLocation>,
LogFileName = <LogFileName>,
LogFileMode = <LogFileMode>,
LogFormat = <LogFormat>,
LogLevel = <LogLevel>
# Start the FileLogger
Logs can be sent using any/all Logger(s). You just need to set the values of parameters to True
for the Loggers for which you want to send the logs.
Determines whether to print success or error messages.
log="Hello World"