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gavinha committed Aug 10, 2017
1 parent a974d76 commit e4fd3d1
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Showing 3 changed files with 217 additions and 60 deletions.
266 changes: 211 additions & 55 deletions R/utils.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -325,6 +325,99 @@ removeCentromere <- function(data, centromere, flankLength = 0){

## segs is a data.table object
extendSegments <- function(segs, removeCentromeres = FALSE, centromeres = NULL,
extendToTelomeres = FALSE, seqInfo = NULL){
newSegs <- copy(segs)
newStartStop <- newSegs[, {totalLen = c(Start[-1], NA) - End
extLen = round(totalLen / 2)
End.ext = c(End[-.N] + round(extLen)[-.N], End[.N])
Start.ext = c(Start[1], End.ext[-.N] + 1)
list(Start=Start.ext, End=End.ext)
}, by=Chromosome]
newSegs[, Start.snp := Start]
newSegs[, End.snp := End]
newSegs[, Start := newStartStop[, Start]]
newSegs[, End := newStartStop[, End]]
stopColInd <- which(names(newSegs) == "End")
setcolorder(newSegs, c(names(newSegs)[1:stopColInd], "Start.snp", "End.snp", names(newSegs)[(stopColInd+1):(ncol(newSegs)-2)]))

if (removeCentromeres){
if (is.null(centromeres)){
stop("If removeCentromeres=TRUE, must provide centromeres data.table object.")
message("Removing centromeres from segments.")
newSegs <- removeCentromereSegs(newSegs, centromeres)

if (extendToTelomeres){
if (is.null(seqInfo)){
stop("If extendToTelomeres=TRUE, must provide SeqInfo object with chromosome lengths.")
message("Extending segments to telomeres.")
newSegs[, Start.telo := { endCoord = End
endCoord[.N] = seqlengths([seqnames(seqInfo)[.GRP]]
}, by=Chromosome]

removeCentromereSegs <- function(segs, centromeres){
segs <- copy(segs)
for (i in 1:nrow(centromeres)){
x <-[i,]);
names(x)[1:3] <- c("Chr","Start","End")
chrInd <- which(segs[, Chromosome == x$Chr])
## start is in centromere ##
ind <- which(segs[chrInd, Start >= x$Start & Start <= x$End])
if (length(ind)){
#message("Chr:", i, "Start in centromere.")
# move start to end of centromere
segs[chrInd[ind], Start := x$End + 1]
#segs[chrInd[ind], Length.snp. := NA]
## end is in centromere ##
ind <- which(segs[chrInd, End >= x$Start & End <= x$End])
if (length(ind)){
#message("Chr:", i, "Stop in centromere.")
# move end to start of centromere
segs[chrInd[ind], End := x$Start - 1]
#segs[chrInd[ind], Length.snp. := NA]
## both start and end in centromere ##
ind <- which(segs[chrInd, Start >= x$Start & End <= x$End])
if (length(ind)){
#message("Chr:", i, "Seg in centromere.")
# remove segment #
segs <- segs[-chrInd[ind]]
## segment spans centromere ##
ind <- which(segs[chrInd, Start <= x$Start & End >= x$End])
if (length(ind)){
#message("Chr:", i, "Seg span centromere.")
# break into 2 segments #
newRegion1 <- copy(segs[chrInd[ind]])
#newRegion1[, Length.snp. := NA]
newRegion2 <- copy(newRegion1)
newRegion1[, End := x$Start - 1] #left segment before centromere
newRegion2[, Start := x$End + 1] #right segment after centromere

# remove old segment and add in 2 new ones
segs <- segs[-chrInd[ind]]
segs <- rbind(segs, newRegion1, newRegion2)
## re-order the segments ##
segs[, Chromosome := factor(Chromosome, levels = c(1:22, "X", "Y"))]
segs <- segs[, segs[, c("Chromosome", "Start")])]

excludeGarbageState <- function(params, K) {
newParams <- params
Expand All @@ -336,6 +429,34 @@ excludeGarbageState <- function(params, K) {

getOverlap <- function(x, y, type = "within", colToReturn = "Copy_Number", method = "common"){
if (!type %in% c("any", "within")){
stop("getOverlap type must be \'any\' or \'within\'.")
cn <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
x <- as(x, "GRanges")
y <- as(y, "GRanges")
hits <- findOverlaps(query = x, subject = y, type = type)
cn[queryHits(hits)] <- values(y)[subjectHits(hits), colToReturn]

# find genes split by segment #
runs <- rle(queryHits(hits))
splitInd <- which(runs$lengths > 1)
if (length(splitInd) > 0){ # take the larger overlap
if (method == "common"){
for (i in 1:length(splitInd)){
hitInd <- which(queryHits(hits)==runs$values[splitInd[i]])
ind <- which.max(width(ranges(hits[hitInd], ranges(x), ranges(y))))
cn[unique(queryHits(hits)[hitInd])] <- values(y)[subjectHits(hits)[hitInd][ind], colToReturn]
stop("Method other than 'common' is not yet supported.")

getPositionOverlap <- function(chr, posn, dataVal) {
# use RangedData to perform overlap
dataIR <- RangedData(space = dataVal[[1]],
Expand All @@ -358,32 +479,6 @@ getPositionOverlap <- function(chr, posn, dataVal) {
#indReorder <- order(match(chrDF[, 1], chr))

#cnChr <- cnData[, 1]
#cnStart <- as.numeric(cnData[, 2])
#cnStop <- as.numeric(cnData[, 3])
#cnVal <- as.numeric(cnData[, 4])

#N = length(posn)
#valByPosn = rep(NA, N)

#for (c in unique(chr)) {
# indData <- chr == c
# indCN <- cnChr == c
# cnStartC <- cnStart[indCN]
# cnStopC <- cnStop[indCN]
# cnValC <- cnVal[indCN]
# posnC <- posn[indData]
# cnInd <- .Call("getPositionOverlapC", posnC,
# cnStartC, cnStopC)
# if (sum(cnInd > 0) > 0) {
# cnValToUse <- rep(NA, length(cnInd))
# cnValToUse[which(cnInd > 0)] <- cnValC[cnInd]
# valByPosn[indData] <- cnValToUse
# }


setGenomeStyle <- function(x, genomeStyle = "NCBI", species = "Homo_sapiens"){
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -778,7 +873,7 @@ decodeLOH <- function(G, symmetric = TRUE) {
outputTitanResults <- function(data, convergeParams,
optimalPath, filename = NULL, is.haplotypeData = FALSE, posteriorProbs = FALSE,
subcloneProfiles = TRUE, correctResults = TRUE, proportionThreshold = 0.05,
proportionThresholdClonal = 0.05, recomputeLogLik = TRUE, rerunViterbi = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
proportionThresholdClonal = 0.05, recomputeLogLik = TRUE, rerunViterbi = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {

# check if useOutlierState is in convergeParams
if (length(convergeParams$useOutlierState) == 0) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -840,6 +935,22 @@ outputTitanResults <- function(data, convergeParams,
CopyNumber = CN, TITANstate = G, TITANcall = Gcalls,
ClonalCluster = Zclust, CellularPrevalence = 1 - Sout)

## filter results to remove empty clusters or set normal contamination to 1.0 if few events
if (correctResults){
if (verbose)
message("outputTitanResults: Correcting results...")
corrResults <- removeEmptyClusters(data, convergeParams, outmat,
proportionThreshold = proportionThreshold,
proportionThresholdClonal = proportionThresholdClonal,
recomputeLogLik = recomputeLogLik, verbose = verbose)
#rerunViterbi = rerunViterbi, subcloneProfiles = subcloneProfiles, is.haplotypeData = is.haplotypeData)
outmatOriginal <- outmat
outmat <- corrResults$results
convergeParams <- corrResults$convergeParams
corrResults <- NULL

if (subcloneProfiles & numClust <= 2){
#outmat <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Expand All @@ -861,23 +972,15 @@ outputTitanResults <- function(data, convergeParams,
write.table(format(outmat, digits = 2, scientific = FALSE), file = filename, col.names = TRUE,
row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")

## filter results to remove empty clusters or set normal contamination to 1.0 if few events

if (correctResults){
if (verbose)
message("outputTitanResults: Correcting results...")
corrResults <- removeEmptyClusters(data, convergeParams, outmat,
proportionThreshold = proportionThreshold,
proportionThresholdClonal = proportionThresholdClonal,
recomputeLogLik = recomputeLogLik, rerunViterbi = rerunViterbi,
subcloneProfiles = subcloneProfiles, is.haplotypeData = is.haplotypeData,
verbose = verbose)
convergeParams <- corrResults$convergeParams
corrmat <- outmat
outmat <- outmatOriginal
corrResults <- NULL
corrmat <- NULL

return(list(results = outmat, corrResults = corrResults$results, convergeParams = convergeParams))
return(list(results = outmat, corrResults = corrmat, convergeParams = convergeParams))

outputModelParameters <- function(convergeParams, results, filename,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1032,6 +1135,52 @@ outputTitanSegments <- function(results, id, convergeParams, filename = NULL, ig

## Recompute integer CN for high-level amplifications ##
## compute logR-corrected copy number ##
correctIntegerCN <- function(cn, segs, purity, ploidyT, maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes = NULL,
maxCNtoCorrect.X = NULL, gender = "male", chrs = c(1:22, "X")){
cn <- copy(cn)
segs <- copy(segs)
if (is.null(maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes)){
maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes <- segs[Chromosome %in% c(1:22), max(Copy_Number)]
segs[Chromosome %in% chrs, logR_Copy_Number := logRbasedCN(Median_logR, purity, ploidyT, cn=2)]
cn[Chr %in% c(1:22), logR_Copy_Number := logRbasedCN(LogRatio, purity, ploidyT, cn=2)]
if (gender == "male"){ ## analyze chrX separately
segs[Chromosome == "X", logR_Copy_Number := logRbasedCN(Median_logR, purity, ploidyT, cn=1)]
cn[Chr == "X", logR_Copy_Number := logRbasedCN(LogRatio, purity, ploidyT, cn=1)]
## assign copy number to use - Corrected_Copy_Number and Corrected_Call
# same TITAN calls for autosomes - no change in copy number
segs[Chromosome %in% chrs & Copy_Number < maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Copy_Number := Copy_Number]
segs[Chromosome %in% chrs & Copy_Number < maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Call := TITAN_call]
cn[Chr %in% chrs & CopyNumber < maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Copy_Number := CopyNumber]
cn[Chr %in% chrs & CopyNumber < maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Call := TITANcall]

# TITAN calls adjusted for >= copies - HLAMP
segs[Chromosome %in% chrs & Copy_Number >= maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Copy_Number := round(logR_Copy_Number)]
segs[Chromosome %in% chrs & Copy_Number >= maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Call := "HLAMP"]
cn[Chr %in% chrs & CopyNumber >= maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Copy_Number := round(logR_Copy_Number)]
cn[Chr %in% chrs & CopyNumber >= maxCNtoCorrect.autosomes, Corrected_Call := "HLAMP"]

if (!is.null(maxCNtoCorrect.X)){
segs[Chromosome == "X" & Copy_Number >= maxCNtoCorrect.X, Corrected_Copy_Number := round(logR_Copy_Number)]
segs[Chromosome == "X" & Copy_Number >= maxCNtoCorrect.X, Corrected_Call := "HLAMP"]
cn[Chr == "X" & CopyNumber >= maxCNtoCorrect.X, Corrected_Copy_Number := round(logR_Copy_Number)]
cn[Chr == "X" & CopyNumber >= maxCNtoCorrect.X, Corrected_Call := "HLAMP"]

return(list(cn = cn, segs = segs))

## compute copy number using corrected log ratio ##
logRbasedCN <- function(x, purity, ploidyT, cn = 2){
ct <- (2^x * (cn * (1 - purity) + purity * ploidyT) - cn * (1 - purity)) / purity
ct <- sapply(ct, max, 1/2^6)

getMajorMinorCN <- function(state, symmetric = TRUE){
majorCN <- NA
minorCN <- NA
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1111,8 +1260,8 @@ printSDbw <- function(sdbw, fc, scale, data.type = ""){

## TODO: Add documentation
removeEmptyClusters <- function(data, convergeParams, results, proportionThreshold = 0.001,
proportionThresholdClonal = 0.05, recomputeLogLik = TRUE, rerunViterbi = TRUE,
subcloneProfiles = FALSE, is.haplotypeData = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){
proportionThresholdClonal = 0.05, recomputeLogLik = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
#rerunViterbi = TRUE, subcloneProfiles = FALSE, is.haplotypeData = FALSE){
clust <- 1:nrow(convergeParams$s)
names(clust) <- clust
#newClust <- clust #original clusters
Expand All @@ -1130,12 +1279,17 @@ removeEmptyClusters <- function(data, convergeParams, results, proportionThresho
# if there is at least 1 cluster with sufficient data
if (length(which(clust > 0)) > 0){
#set new normal estimate as cluster 1 -> lowers purity from original estimate
purity <- (1 - convergeParams$s[which(![1], k]) * (1 - convergeParams$n[k])
clustToKeep <- which(!
purity <- (1 - convergeParams$s[clustToKeep[1], k]) * (1 - convergeParams$n[k])
convergeParams$n[k] <- 1 - purity
#set new cellular prevalence using new clusters and renormalize to new cluster 1
convergeParams$s <- convergeParams$s[which(!, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$s <- convergeParams$s[clustToKeep, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$s[, k] <- 1 - (1 - convergeParams$s[, k]) / (1 - convergeParams$s[1, k])
convergeParams$piZ <- convergeParams$piZ[which(!, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$piZ <- convergeParams$piZ[clustToKeep, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$rhoZ <- convergeParams$rhoZ[clustToKeep, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$muC <- convergeParams$muC[, clustToKeep, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$muR <- convergeParams$muR[, clustToKeep, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$cellPrevParams <- lapply(convergeParams$cellPrevParams, "[", clustToKeep)
#names(newClust) <- 1:length(newClust)
clust[!] <- 1:sum(!

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1168,21 +1322,22 @@ removeEmptyClusters <- function(data, convergeParams, results, proportionThresho
convergeParams$n[k] <- 1 - convergeParams$s[clustData, k]
convergeParams$s <- convergeParams$s[clustData, , drop = FALSE]
convergeParams$s[, k] <- 0.0
convergeParams$cellPrevParams <- lapply(convergeParams$cellPrevParams, "[", clustData)

# set all clusters to 1 and all cellular prevalence to 1.0; leave HET as NA
results[which(results$TITANcall != "HET"), "CellularPrevalence"] <- 1
results[which(results$TITANcall != "HET"), "ClonalCluster"] <- 1

# rerun viterbi with new adjusted param settings
if (rerunViterbi){
optimalPath <- viterbiClonalCN(data,convergeParams)
newResults <- outputTitanResults(data,convergeParams,optimalPath,
correctResults=FALSE, proportionThreshold = 0, is.haplotypeData=is.haplotypeData,
proportionThresholdClonal = 0, rerunViterbi = FALSE, recomputeLogLik = FALSE)
results <- newResults$results
#if (rerunViterbi){
# optimalPath <- viterbiClonalCN(data,convergeParams)
# newResults <- outputTitanResults(data,convergeParams,optimalPath,
# filename=NULL,posteriorProbs=F,subcloneProfiles=subcloneProfiles,
# correctResults=FALSE, proportionThreshold = 0, is.haplotypeData=is.haplotypeData,
# proportionThresholdClonal = 0, rerunViterbi = FALSE, recomputeLogLik = FALSE)
# results <- newResults$results

if (recomputeLogLik){
if (verbose)
Expand All @@ -1195,7 +1350,6 @@ removeEmptyClusters <- function(data, convergeParams, results, proportionThresho
newParams$genotypeParams$piG_0 <- newParams$piG[, iter]
newParams$normalParams$n_0 <- newParams$n[iter]
newParams$ploidyParams$phi_0 <- newParams$phi[iter]
newParams$cellPrevParams <- lapply(newParams$cellPrevParams, function(x){ x[1:newNumClust] })
newParams$cellPrevParams$s_0 <- newParams$s[, iter]
newParams$cellPrevParams$piZ_0 <- newParams$piZ[1:newNumClust, iter]

Expand All @@ -1205,6 +1359,8 @@ removeEmptyClusters <- function(data, convergeParams, results, proportionThresho
convergeParams$loglik[iter] <- tail(p$loglik, 1)
convergeParams$muC[, , iter] <- p$muC[, , 2]
convergeParams$muR[, , iter] <- p$muR[, , 2]
convergeParams$rhoZ <- p$rhoZ
convergeParams$rhoG <- p$rhoG
return(list(convergeParams = convergeParams, results = results))
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions scripts/snakemake/config/config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ TitanCNA_estimateNormal: map
TitanCNA_estimatePloidy: TRUE
TitanCNA_estimateClonality: TRUE
TitanCNA_alleleModel: binomial
TitanCNA_alphaK: 2500
TitanCNA_alphaR: 2500
TitanCNA_txnExpLen: 1e13
TitanCNA_alphaK: NULL
TitanCNA_alphaR: NULL
TitanCNA_txnExpLen: 1e15
TitanCNA_plotYlim: c(-4,6)
TitanCNA_solutionThreshold: 0.05

5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions scripts/snakemake/ichorCNA.snakefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ configfile: "config/samples.yaml"
rule correctDepth:
expand("results/ichorCNA/{tumor}/{tumor}.cna.seg", tumor=config["pairings"]),
expand("results/ichorCNA/{tumor}/{tumor}.correctedDepth.txt", tumor=config["pairings"]),
expand("results/readDepth/{samples}.bin{binSize}.wig", samples=config["samples"], binSize=str(config["binSize"]))

rule read_counter:
Expand All @@ -28,9 +29,9 @@ rule ichorCNA:
tum="results/readDepth/{tumor}.bin" + str(config["binSize"]) + ".wig",
norm=lambda wildcards: "results/readDepth/" + config["pairings"][wildcards.tumor] + ".bin" + str(config["binSize"]) + ".wig"
Expand Down

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