TitanCNA v1.7.1
TitanCNA version 1.7.1 changes (formerly v1.5.8)
Merged to master as v1.7.1 (a5bf4f3)
(Committed revisions 977c48a,5fe5acc.)
Updated functions to align with dependent package updates.
- Affected function: loadAlleleCounts, correctReadDepth
- Adjusted function to accommodate GenomeInfoDb v1.1.3 -> v1.2.4
- Usage of this function remains unchanged.
Minor bug fix in function
- Affected function: correctReadDepth
- Issue with findOverlaps() usage fixed
Bug fix
- Affected function: outputTitanResults, plotClonalFrequency, plotSubcloneProfiles
- Fixed bug when error is thrown trying to output results for genome that is predicted to be completely diploid HET.
Modified internal functionality
- Affected function: runEMclonalCN, viterbiClonalCN
- The C code (src/fwd_backC_clonalCN.c & src/viterbiC_clonalCN.c) have been modified such that the transition probabilities between clonal clusters for HET (diploid) states are equal. This may help prevent situations when normal contamination is 0 for more than 1 clonal cluster solutions.