VIF(Very Important Files) is LRU(Least Recently Used) disk cache library, with SqlLite journal.
- Light library - No third party dependencies, 15.8KB size.
- Corrupted files protection - It is guarantee that each time you access cache you will get non corrupted files
- LRU memory management - When more memory needed least recently used files will be deleted first
- Developers friendly - You can access both InputStream and File objects
public void run() {
appCache = new DiskCache(this, "app_cache", 1024 * 1024 * 20);// 20 MB cache
loadImage(imageView, url);
private void downloadImage(String imageUrl) {
URL url = new URL(imageUrl);
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
appCache.put(imageUrl, connection.getInputStream());
private void loadImage(final ImageView imageView, String imageUrl) {
appCache.getAsObject(MY_IMAGE, new DiskCache.ParserCallback<Bitmap>() {
public Bitmap parse(@NonNull File file) throws Exception {
return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
public void onError(@NonNull Throwable e) {
public void onResult(@Nullable Bitmap result) {
- VIF.put(String key, InputStream inputStream, Runnable callback): Asynchronously adds entry to the cache and call the optional callback on the main thread when complete
- VIF.delete(String key): Deletes the cache entry
- VIF.getAsFile(String key, FileCallback callback): Retrieve the cached entry as file
- VIF.getAsObject(String key, ParserCallback callback): Retrieve the cached entry as an Object
- VIF.shutDown(): Gracefully asynchronously shut down the cache
- VIF.shutDownAndWait(): Gracefully synchronously shut down the cache