Add this to your Gemfile (prefer the Github version over the RubyGem one for updates)
gem 'atos', :git => '[email protected]:gbarillot/atos.git'
then run bundle install
1.Create an Atos directory inside your /lib and drop the files given by your bank into it, so it should look like this :
2.To perform a payment, instanciate a request :
@request =
:merchant_id => '014295303911111',
:customer_id => 'YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID',
:amount => '1500',
:automatic_response_url => '',
:normal_return_url => '',
:cancel_return_url => ''
3.You can now show the @request content in your view (it's an HTML form)
----- Let the customer pay on the bank platform, then listen to its response ----
4.Now, you can catch the DATA parameter in response by listening to the 'automatic_response_url' you gave above (not a tipo, DATA is upcase)
response =[:DATA])
5.Finally, you get a hash in 'response', that follows the API specs :
- The following parameters are required to perform a request :
(string) merchant_id
(string) customer_id
(string) amount
(string) automatic_response_url
(string) normal_return_url
(string) cancel_return_url
Above those required parameters, you can freely add any other parameter that follows the API specs (shopping cart, customer email, customer_ip_address...). Order and position in the hash doesn't matter at all.
- I prefer conventions over configuration, but you can also override with your own path dirs while instanciating the Atos class. You just add one step to the shortand way :
@request =
:root_path => '/where',
:request_path => '/where/ever',
:response_path => '/where/ever/you',
:pathfile_path => '/where/ever/you/want'
...And then...
:merchant_id => '014295303911111',
:amount => '1500',
:customer_id => YOUR_CUSTOMER_ID,
:normal_return_url => '',
:cancel_return_url => ''
Default language is set to 'fr' and currency to 'Euro', simply pass your own 'locale/currency' in the request to override, as shown above.
Don't forget to check at the 'pathfile' Atos file, and fill requested paths according to your app absolute location on the server
Drop the credit card logos in a public dir, then fill this directory's absolute location on the server in the '/lib/atos/param/pathfile' file
The '014295303911111' merchant_id I use all the way here is the test merchant_id, obviously, use your own.