COBOLUnit is a unit testing framework for OpenCOBOL (fork)
It is a fork from
- Two assertions types could be used:
- Equals for string
- Equals for numeric format
- Declaration of a test which include assertions.
- Declaration a tests suite including declared tests
- Declaration of a suites tests case including declared suites
- Add an assertion to a test
- Add a test to a specific suite
- Add a suite to the tests suites case
- Run the global suites tests case
- Run a specific test suites
- Display log results
- Create a log file with the log result
- Adding a user suite context for each suite to enable its use during tests
- Add 'SetUp' and 'Teardown' routines for suites to setup and teardown suite context
- Code generation for the tests suites Case from a flat file
- Adding new assert types (notEquals, greaterThan, LesserThan,...)