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Very straight forward Google - Facebook - Messenger Connect Oauth2 authentication plugin for Moodle.

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Google/Facebook/WindowsLive Oauth 2.0 Authentication Plugin

This plugin adds a Google/Facebook/Windows Live button on the front page (see the installation process on how to edit your login page). The first time the user clicks on the button, a new account is created. The "authpreventaccountcreation" setting must be unset.

Warning about Windows Live: when I implemented the solution, Microsoft didn't send a verified field, so the Windows Live authentication is unsecured.

This is a none-core contributed plugin. You are welcome to do Pull Request on Github, to report issues.

Setup the authentication services:

Plugin installation:

Step 4. is about adding some code in Moodle to display the authentication providers logos. It is a just an example. It could actually be implemented anywhere (theme, block, alternative login page...). This step requires PHP and Moodle code knowledge.

  1. add the plugin into /auth/googleoauth2/

  2. in Moodle admin, enable the plugin (Admin block > Plugins > Auhtentication)

  3. in the plugin settings, enter your client ids + client secrets. Note: Messenger connect is currently unsecured to be used in the way I use it because of this issue: (

  4. in your theme (most likely in login/index.html. Or in the login layout page if you theme has a specific login page, something like /theme/YOURTHEME/layout/login.php), add and edit the following little piece of ugly HTML/PHP code:

         //get previous auth provider
         $allauthproviders = optional_param('allauthproviders', false, PARAM_BOOL);
         $cookiename = 'MOODLEGOOGLEOAUTH2_'.$CFG->sessioncookie;
         if (empty($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) {
             $authprovider = '';
         } else {
             $authprovider = $_COOKIE[$cookiename];
     	<?php echo get_string('signinwithanaccount','auth_googleoauth2'); ?>
         <div style="width:'1%'">
             	$displayprovider = ((empty($authprovider) || $authprovider == 'google' || $allauthproviders) && get_config('auth/googleoauth2', 'googleclientid'));
             	$providerdisplaystyle = $displayprovider?'display:inline-block;':'display:none;';
             <div class="singinprovider" style="<?php echo $providerdisplaystyle; ?>">
     			<a href="<?php echo get_config('auth/googleoauth2', 'googleclientid'); ?>&redirect_uri=<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?>/auth/googleoauth2/google_redirect.php&scope=">
     				<img src="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot ?>/theme/YOURTHEME/pix/GOOGLELOGO.jpg" />
             	$displayprovider = ((empty($authprovider) || $authprovider == 'facebook' || $allauthproviders) && get_config('auth/googleoauth2', 'facebookclientid'));
             	$providerdisplaystyle = $displayprovider?'display:inline-block;':'display:none;';
             <div class="singinprovider" style="<?php echo $providerdisplaystyle; ?> padding-left: 20px;">
     			<a href="<?php echo get_config('auth/googleoauth2', 'facebookclientid'); ?>&redirect_uri=<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?>/auth/googleoauth2/facebook_redirect.php&scope=email&response_type=code">
     				<img src="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot ?>/theme/YOURTHEME/pix/FACEBOOKLOGO.png" />
             	$displayprovider = ((empty($authprovider) || $authprovider == 'messenger' || $allauthproviders) && get_config('auth/googleoauth2', 'messengerclientid'));
             	$providerdisplaystyle = $displayprovider?'display:inline-block;':'display:none;';
             <div class="singinprovider" style="<?php echo $providerdisplaystyle; ?>">
     			<a href="<?php echo get_config('auth/googleoauth2', 'messengerclientid'); ?>&redirect_uri=<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot; ?>/auth/googleoauth2/messenger_redirect.php&scope=wl.basic wl.emails wl.signin&response_type=code">
     				<img src="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot ?>/theme/YOURTHEME/pix/MESSENGERLOGO.jpg" />
         <?php if (!empty($authprovider)) { ?>
         	<div class="moreproviderlink">
             	<a href='<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot . (!empty($CFG->alternateloginurl) ? $CFG->alternateloginurl : '/login/index.php') . '?allauthproviders=true'; ?>' onclick="changecss('singinprovider','display','inline-block');">
     				<?php echo get_string('moreproviderlink', 'auth_googleoauth2');?>
         <?php } ?>

    More information about Moodle theme 2.0: Basically, you want to look to your theme/config.php. Find in it what is the login layout file name. Then add this example code in this layout file.

  5. (Recommended) Register on IPinfoDB for key: Then enter the key in the plugin settings. Thus Moodle can pre-filled the city and the country of the user.

  6. (Optional) Change the prefix of new users. By default they are name google_user_XXX.

Note about debugging: the plugin doesn't work in local. Google authentication will most likely fail to the first redirection, and if you enter manually the authorization code in the URL, then it will fail when trying to get the access token. Google will return a Missing authorization error.


Very straight forward Google - Facebook - Messenger Connect Oauth2 authentication plugin for Moodle.






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