#SWIM A tentative implementation of Small World Inflectional Morphology
##Preparing ###BDL-SyncLexiques
- Prepare a bdlexique with phonological transcriptions and frequencies
- Synchronize frequencies from Lexique.org
- Remove duplicates
- Transform frequencies into probabilities
- Save the lexicon in CSV form
- Prepare the GOLD paradigms
- Make complete paradigms in CSV form
- with overabundance
- with defectiveness
- Calculate the analogies and the classifications based on the GOLD paradigms
- with all phonological maps
- store in pandas form
- Get a training sample
- Choose a sample size
- Make the corresponding paradigm table
- Beware of orthographical and L23 duplicates
- Allow for overabundance
- Neutralize symbols according to a map
- Index training samples with a serial and a map reference
- Calculate the analogies and the classifications based on the training sample
- Calculate the complete paradigms for the verbs in the training sample
- Make a test sample for verbs excluded from the training sample
- Calculate the complete paradigms for the verbs in the test sample
- Identify the patterns that were not obtained in the training sample
- Measure the distance between the patterns obtained from the training sample and the complete paradigms
- Measure the distance between the classification obtained from the training sample and the complete paradigms