This is a Rails app serving, which is a very popular site for about an hour a year. The app knows about all the Groves pairings from 2015 onward, and will pair individuals who a) aren't in the same immediate family and b) haven't given to each other lately. (TODO: currently it won't match people who have ever given to each other; eventually, should change that to be something like not in the last 4 years). The main method of the app is Individual::generate_pairs
Steps to take each fall before generating that year's pairs:
clone down this repo:
git clone
open db/seeds.rb and add new PreviousPairs to reflect the previous year's giving
commit changes and push them up to master
git push origin master
add the heroku as a remote
heroku git:remote -a groves-santa
push your changes up to heroku
git push heroku master
add the seeds to heroku
heroku run rake db:seed
send whoever is Santa now the app website -- -- to generate the pairs and let people know!