In diferent terminals open in this order
1. $ yarpserver
2. $ iCub_SIM
3. $ yarpmotorgui
4. $ iKinGazeCtrl --robot icubSim --imu::mode off
after compiling
5. $ ./main
It will ask "Read backup? [y/n]". Answer only after step 6. is done
in a different terminal
6. $ yarp connect /icubSim/cam/left /aruco/image/in/exec
In the file parameters.txt change the option 'crit_name' to AL or random
In the file parameters.txt, change the value of 'costCoef' (unconstrained version, UCSAL) and 'delta' (constrained version, CCSAL)
In the file CalibrationRoutine.hpp, the class CalibrationRoutine contains a 'private bool constrained'. If set to true, it is used the CCSAL (remember to set costCoef to 0 in this case). If set to false, it is used the UCSAL.
1. Go to /iCubVision
2. After iCub_SIM is running, Compile and run
3. In a different terminal type: $ yarp connect /icubSim/cam/left /aruco/image/in/debug
a) Sometimes the textures of aruco markers are not loaded and they stay white. It is solved by killing the process and repeating step 5 until the textures are visible
b) After a few hours iCub_SIM crashes when using markers. It will automatically backup all information. Then just answer 'y' when the backup prompt appears when restarting the program