Sets or run the top level VI in the project.
To set the top VI, use Ctrl+Shift+[shortcut].
To run the top VI, use Ctrl+[shortcut].
Default Shortcut - [E]
To set the top VI, enter "s" or "set" before activating the shortcut.
To run the top VI, enter "r" or "run" before activating the shortcut.
To remove the top VI setting, enter "d", "del", "delete", or "remove" before activating the shortcut.
To read what the top VI is, enter "read" before activating the shortcut.
- Anders Sekanina
- Darren Nattinger
- Eric Stach
- Erich Schlieper
- Casey May
- Jesper Kjær Sørensen
- Matt Jacobson
- Tim Robinson