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EOD Historical Data JavaScript/TypeScript API wrapper

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EOD Historical Data JavaScript API wrapper

A JavaScript wrapper around the EOD Historical Data API. This library comes with TypeScript support.

Can be used with NodeJS or with client-side frameworks.

Getting started


Install with Yarn or NPM

npm install ehd-js


yarn add ehd-js

Once installed, you can import the module.

import ehd from 'ehd-js'


const ehd = require('ehd-js')


To use this package you will need an API token for EOD Historical Data. You can check out available API's and pricing on their website.

Once you have an API token, you can set it up for usage two ways:

  1. Add an .env file


  • Be mindful not to publicise your token. So when adding a project to github for instance, make sure to add .env files to .gitignore or consider using a .env.local file.
  • To make the library pick up the variable described in your .env file you might need to use dotenv library.
  1. Use the built-in setToken method before calling any of the ehd methods
import ehd from 'ehd-js'


  // ...


Here we will go over all the methods provided by the ehd module. All functionality models the EOD Historical Data API closely. So for more information or references, be sure to go through the official API documentation.

This library also has full TypeScript support. To inspect the types, take a look at src/types/model.d.ts and src/types/literals.d.ts.

Every ehd method returns a Promise.


Method Sub Methods
endOfDayPrice ecbExchangeRates
fundamentals etf

Shared configs

Some fields are used by different API's, like format and from and to date fields. This section will discuss those fields first. When using the library inside a TypeScript project you can rely on Intellisense to see which modules support which fields. For JavaScript only projects the official documentation can be consulted.


Most API's allow you to select the format (csv or json) in which the data is returned. Since this is a JavaScript project, all data will be returned in json format by default.

import ehd from 'ehd-js`

  code: 'AAPL.US',
  fmt: 'csv'

  code: 'AAPL.US',
  fmt: 'json' // default, can be omitted

Date range (from and to)

All time-series API's allow you to define a date range using the from and to parameters. Those params accept dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

ehd-js allows for that standard but builds a helper on top of that. When using to or from you can also use values like d-4, y+1, m, m-2, w-6, q, q-1 etc...

The 5 allowed time periods are d (Day), w (Week), m (Month), y (Year) or q (quarter).

* All below examples will treat 2021-01-05 as the current date
** These helpers are subject to improvement over the near future


from: 'D' will transform to today's date.
from: 'D-1' will transform to yesterday's date.
from: 'D-5' will equal 5 days ago

the same works in the other direction: 'D+1' is tomorrow's date, 'D+5' is a week from now, ...

Base period Example Result
D D 2021-01-05
D-1 2021-01-04
D-7 2020-12-29
D+1 2021-01-06


'W' will revert to today's date, 'W-1' will be today's date minus 7 days, etc

Base period Example Result
W W 2021-01-05
W-1 2020-12-29
W+1 2021-01-12


'M' will revert to start of the current month when used as the from param, to the end of the current month when used as the to param.
'M-1' will be today's date a month ago, etc

Base period Example Result
M M (from) 2021-01-01
M (to) 2021-01-31
M-1 2020-12-05
M-14 2019-11-05
M+1 2021-02-05


When using Y without modifier as the from date, it will transform to the start of the current month. As the to date it will turn into the end of the current month. With modifier, it will behave the in the same way as D, W

Base period Example Result
Y Y (from) 2021-01-01
Y (to) 2021-12-31
Y+1 2022-01-05


This works slightly different than the others:

'Q': takes the end of the current quarter
'Q-1': the end of last quarter. For example, if today is 2020-12-01, 'Q-1' will turn into 2020-09-30

Quarter end dates are as follows: 03-31, 06-30, 09-30, 12-31

Base period Example Result
Q Q 2021-03-31
Q-1 2020-12-31
Q+1 2021-06-30
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch end of day prices for the VWCE ETF from 3 months ago to a week ago.

let prices = await ehd.endOfDayPrice({
  code: 'VWCE.XETRA',
  from: 'm-3',
  to: 'w-1'

// Fetch end of day prices for the last three days

prices = await ehd.endOfDayPrice({
  code: 'VWCE.XETRA',
  from: 'd-3'

// Fetch end of day prices for the last quarter

prices = await ehd.endOfDayPrice({
  code: 'VWCE.XETRA',
  from: 'q-2',
  to: 'q-1'


Timeseries data can be requested in d (descending) or a (ascending) order. By default, data is returned in ascending order.

import ehd from 'ehd-js'

let prices = await ehd.endOfDayPrice({
  code: 'MSFT.US',
  order: 'd'


official docs

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Bond prices can be fetched using the bond's ISIN ID. When using TypeScript, prices will have the correct EHDBondPrice[] type.

option required type default
isin yes string
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd'

const prices = await ehd.bondPrice({
  isin: 'US910047AG49'

It is also possible to fetch historical bond prices using the endOfDayPrice method, but in that case you will need to add the .BOND affix and the result will not have the correct type.


official docs
cost: 1 API call / symbol

Bond fundamentals can be fetched with the bond's ISIN or CUSIP. Unlike most methods this one does not accept a config object as param but only a single string.

import ehd from 'ehd'

const fundamentals = await ehd.bondFundamentals('US910047AG49')


official docs
cost: 1 API call / symbol OR 100 API calls / exchange

Bulk EOD, splits and dividends data can be fetched for a single exchange or multiple symbols.

option required type default
code no string | EHDExchangeCode "US"
type no "eod" | "splits" | "dividends" "eod"
date no YYYY-MM-DD today's date
symbols no string | string[]
extended no boolean false
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetching EOD data for all symbols part of EuroNext Brussels

let data = await ehd.bulkEodData({
  code: 'BR',
  type: 'eod' // default

// When not passing a code, the 'US' exchange will be the default

data = await ehd.bulkEodData()

// Fetch today's splits for the XETRA exchange

data = await ehd.bulkEodData({
  type: 'splits',
  code: 'XETRA'

// Fetch today's dividends for the NASDAQ

data = await ehd.bulkEodData({
  type: 'dividends',
  code: 'NASDAQ'

// Fetch bulk EOD data for a specific date

data = await ehd.bulkEodData({
  date: '2020-12-05'

// Fetch extended EOD data

data = await ehd.bulkEodData({
  extended: true

// Fetch bulk data for specific symbols

data = await ehd.bulkEodData({
  symbols: ['EURN.BR', 'VWCE.XETRA', 'MSFT.US', 'AAPL.US']


official docs

cost: 1 API call / symbol
requires: Calendar Data Feed

Fetch earnings trends using one or more symbols

option required type default
symbols yes string | string[]
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

let data = await ehd.earningsTrends({
  symbols: 'AAPL.US'

data = await ehd.earningsTrends({
  symbols: ['AAPL.US', 'MSFT.US']


official docs

cost: 1 API call / symbol
requires: Calendar Data Feed

Use this method to fetch upcoming earnings.

option required type default
symbols no string | string[]
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section) "d"
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section) "d+7"
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch all upcoming earnings across multiple exchanges

let data = await ehd.upcomingEarnings()

// Fetch upcoming earnings for one or more symbols

data = await ehd.upcomingEarnings({
  symbols: 'AAPL.US',
  to: '2021-12-31'

data = await ehd.upcomingEarnings({
  symbols: ['AAPL.US', 'MSFT.US']


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires: Calendar Data Feed

Fetch data for upcoming IPOs. This API only allows for a date range.

option required type default
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section) "d"
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section) "d+7"
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch all upcoming IPOs for the next 7 days

let data = await ehd.upcomingIpos()

// Fetch all upcoming IPOs for the next 3 weeks

data = await ehd.upcomingIpos({
  to: 'w+3'


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires: Calendar Data Feed

Fetch data for upcoming IPO's. This API only allows for a date range.

option required type default
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section) "d"
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section) "d+7"
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch all upcoming splits across all exchanges

let data = await ehd.upcomingSplits()

// Fetch upcoming splits for the next three weeks

data = await ehd.upcomingSplits({
  to: 'w+3'


official docs
example json response

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Fetch dividend data for a specific symbol. Adding fmt: 'csv' will only return date and dividend. Use json to receive extended data.

option required type default
code yes string
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch dividend data for Microsoft for the past two years

const data = await ehd.dividends({
  code: 'MSFT.US',
  from: 'y-2'


official docs
example json response

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Historical end of day data can be fetched for any available code. Besides the shared date-range, format and order params, this API also accepts a period param: d (daily), w (weekly), m (monthly).

option required type default
code yes string
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch historical weekly prices for the past year for the VWCE ETF

const data = await ehd.endOfDayPrice({
  code: 'VWCE.XETRA',
  from: 'y-1',
  period: 'w',
  order: 'd'

Economic data

The endOfDayPrice method can also be used to fetch government bond data, exchange and interbank rates. To help with the construction of the codes, additional helper methods have been implemented.


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
bond yes string | { countryCode: string, period: string }
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

let data = await ehd.governmentBondPrice({
  bond: {
    countryCode: 'US',
    period: '10Y'
  from: 'm-1'

data = await ehd.governmentBondPrice({
  bond: 'US10Y'


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
ratePeriod yes "1W" | "1M" | "3M" | "6M" | "12M"
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.euribor({
  ratePeriod: '1W'


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.euriborFutures({
  from: 'q-1'


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
ratePeriod yes "1W" | "1M" | "2M" |"3M" | "6M" | "12M"
nomination yes "USD" | "EUR" | "GBP" |"JPY"
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.libor({
  ratePeriod: '2M',
  nomination: 'EUR',
  fmt: 'csv'


official docs

cost: 1 API call requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
ratePeriod yes "1W" | "1M" | "2M" | "3M" | "6M"
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.stibor({
  ratePeriod: '1M',
  from: 'y-3',
  period: 'w'


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
currency yes "GBP" | "JPY" | "USD" | "NOK" | "SEK"
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.ecbExchangeRates({
  currency: 'GBP',
  from: 'm-1',
  period: 'w'


official docs

cost: 1 API call
requires Fundamentals Data Feed

option required type default
currency yes "GBP" | "JPY" | "USD" | "EUR" | "SEK"
period no "d" (daily) | "w" (weekly) | "m" (monthly) "d"
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.norgesBankExchangeRates({
  currency: 'EUR'


official docs

cost: 1 API call requires: All World Extended Package or higher

Use this API to get detailed info for different exchanges.

option required type default
code yes EHDExchangeCode
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch exchange info for Euronext Brussels with market holidays data for the past three months

const data = await ehd.exchangeDetails({
  code: 'BR',
  from: 'm-3'


official docs

cost: 1 API call

Use this method to get a full list of supported exchanges.

option required type default
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.exchangesList()


official docs

cost: 1 API call

To get a full list of symbols for an exchange, use the exchangeSymbolList method.

option required type default
code yes EHDExchangeCode
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.exchangeSymbolList({
  code: 'US'


official docs
example stock response
example etf response

cost: 1 API call
requires: Fundamentals Data Feed

Get fundamentals data on stocks, ETFs and mutual funds.

You can either use the base fundamentals method. The caveat here is that the return type will be any since the data models differ between stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. To get the correct data type you'll need to cast it yourself.

option required type default
code yes string
filter no string
import ehd from 'ehd-js'
import { EDHETFGeneralInfo, EHDStockFundamentals } from 'ehd-js/src/types/model'

let data = await ehd.fundamentals<EHDETFGeneralInfo>({
  code: 'VWCE.XETRA',
  filter: 'General'

data = await ehd.fundamentals<EHDStockFundamentals>({
  code: 'MSFT.US'

fundamentals also contains three submethods for each of the three fundamentals symbol types. Here the correct returned data types are built in but you can no longer use the filter option.

import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const stock = await ehd.fundamentals.stock('MSFT.US')
const eft = await ehd.fundamentals.etf('VWCE.XETRA')
const mutualFund = await ehd.fundamentals.mutualFund('SWPPX.US')


official docs

Get info about an index, including a list of it's components

import ehd from 'ehd-js'

// Fetch a list of supported indices using the virtual 'INDX' exchange

const supportedIndices = await ehd.exchangeSymbolList({
  code: 'INDX'

// Use an index code to fetch its related data

const indexInfo = await ehd.indexConsituents('GSCP')


official docs
example response

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Get historical intraday price data using this API.

This method accepts from and to parameters but instead of dates, the values should be UNIX times with UTC timezones (e.g. 1611340097 for Mon Jan 19 1970 16:35:40 GMT+0100). For ease of use you can still use the date shorthands (e.g. d-5, w-1).

You can choose between intervals of 1m or 5m

option required type default
code yes string
from no UNIX timestamp (number) or shorthand (see date range section)
to no UNIX timestamp (number) or shorthand (see date range section)
interval no "1m" | "5m" "1m"
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.intraday({
  code: 'MSFT.US',
  interval: '5m',
  from: 1611340097,
  to: 'd'


official docs

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Fetch live (delayed) stock price data using this API. You can fetch data for multiple tickers but it is recommended to limit the total amount to 20.

option required type default
code yes string
s no string | string[]
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.livePrices({
  code: 'VWCE.XETRA',
  s: ['AAPL.US', 'MSFT.US']


official docs

Get data for over 30 macroeconomic indicators.

option required type default
country yes EHDAlpha3IsoCountryCode
indicator no "population_total"
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.macroEconomics({
  country: 'DEU',
  indicator: 'gdp_growth_annual'


official docs
example response

cost: 10 API calls / symbol requires: Options Data Feed

Get options data for a symbol or a specific contract.

option required type default
code yes (without contractName) string
contractName yes (without code) string
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
tradeDateFrom no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
tradeDateTo no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

let data = await ehd.options({
  code: 'AAPL.US',
  from: 'm-1',
  tradeDateFrom: '2020-12-01',
  tradeDateTo: '2021-02-12'

data = await ehd.options({
  contract_name: 'AAPL201218C00022500'


official docs

cost: 1 API call

Use this to perform a query based search. You can choose to limit the amount of results returned as well as confine the search results to bonds only.

option required type default
query yes string
limit no number 50
bondsOnly no boolean false
type no "all" | "stock" | "funds" | "bonds" | "index" "all"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

let data = await{
  query: 'apple',
  limit: 5

data = await{
  query: 'airline',
  limit: 5,
  bondsOnly: true


official docs

cost: 5 API calls

Use the screener API to filter out tickers based on certain parameters

type EHDScreenerFilter =
  | 'code'
  | 'name'
  | 'exchange'
  | 'sector'
  | 'industry'
  | 'market_capitalization'
  | 'earnings_share'
  | 'dividend_yield'
  | 'refund_1d_p'

type EHDScreenerOperation =
  | '='
  | 'in'
  | 'not in'
  | 'match'
  | '>'
  | '<'
  | '>='
  | '<='
  | '!='

export type EHDScreenerSignal =
  | '50d_new_lo'
  | '50d_new_hi'
  | '200d_new_lo'
  | '200d_new_hi'
  | 'bookvalue_neg'
  | 'bookvalue_pos'
  | 'wallstreet_lo'
  | 'wallstreet_hi'
option required type default
filters no [key in EHDScreenerFilter]?: [EHDScreenerOperation, string | number]
signal no EHDScreenerSignal[]
sort no [key in EHDScreenerSortKey]?: 'asc' | 'desc'
limit no number 50
offset no number 0
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.screener({
  filters: {
    market_capitalization: ['>', 1000],
    exchange: ['=', 'us']
  signals: ['200d_new_hi'],
  sort: {
    market_capitalization: 'asc'
  limit: 10,
  offset: 5


official docs
example response

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Get data on short interest for a specific symbol

option required type default
code yes string
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.shortInterest({
  code: 'GME.US'


official docs
example response

cost: 1 API call / symbol

Get historical splits data for a specific symbol

option required type default
code yes string
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const data = await ehd.splits({
  code: 'AAPL.US'


official docs

cost: 5 API calls

Get historical data for 10+ technical indicators

option required type default
code yes string
function yes "adx"
from no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
to no YYYY-MM-DD or shorthand (see date range section)
period no 2 - 100000 50
order no "a" (ascending) | "d" (descending) "a"
splitadjustedOnly no boolean false
fmt no "csv" | "json" "json"

The following additional options are valid for the macd function

option required type default
fastPeriod no 2 - 100000 12
slowPeriod no 2 - 100000 26
signalPeriod no 2 - 100000 9

The following additional options are valid for the stochastic function

option required type default
fastKperiod no 2 - 100000 14
slowKperiod no 2 - 100000 3
slowDperiod no 2 - 100000 3
import ehd from 'ehd-js'

let data = await ehd.technicals({
  code: 'MSFT.US',
  function: 'macd',
  from: 'Y-1',
  period: '75', // amount of data points used to calculate each average
  splitadjustedOnly: true,
  fastPeriod: 20,
  slowPeriod: 50,
  signalPeriod: 10

data = await ehd.technicals({
  code: 'MSFT.US',
  function: 'stochastic',
  from: 'Y-1',
  fastKperiod: 20


official docs

Get data on the user connected with the used token

import ehd from 'ehd-js'

const user = await ehd.user()


I created this library in my free time and will continue to make improvements over time. Feel free to create issues if you have suggestions or encounter problems and I will try to address them whenever I find a moment.

Below you can find a list of improvement that are currently being planned:

  • Add an improved date range shorthand option that should be able to handle the following cases:

    results are based on a today date of 2021-01-05

    input result
    y { from: '2021-01-01', to: '2021-12-31' }
    y+1 { from: '2022-01-01', to: '2022-12-31' }
    y-1:y { from: '2020-01-01', to: '2021-12-31' }
    y2014 { from: '2014-01-01', to: '2014-12-31' }
    m { from: '2021-01-01', to: '2021-01-31' }
    m-3 { from: '2020-10-01', to: '2020-10-31' }
    y-1.m3 { from: '2020-03-01', to: '2020-03-31' }
    y-1.m+1 { from: '2020-02-01', to: '2020-02-29' }
    y-2.m2:y-1.m+2 { from: '2019-01-01', to: '2020-03-31' }
    w-1 { from: '2020-12-28', to: '2020-01-03' }
    w { from: '2021-01-04', to: '2021-01-10' }
    w+3 { from: '2021-01-24', to: '2021-01-31' }
    d { from: '2021-01-05', to: '2021-01-05' }
    d-10 { from: '2020-12-26', to: '2021-01-05' }
  • Improve livePrices method so you don't have to pass both code and s when fetching live prices for multiple symbols

  • Add more tests