- 更新:阿里云、腾讯云区域信息。 fixes #60
- 改进:阿里云、腾讯云区域管理的代码逻辑。
- 改进:Finder 中右键上传方式修改为 URL Scheme 方式。支持在 uPic 未开启状态下,自动开启 APP 并上传。 fixes #59
- 修改:图床配置中验证按钮的文字
⚠️ 更新完请重启一下 Finder (按住 option 右键 Dock 栏选择重新启动
),以让 Finder 右键上传功能被重新加载。
- Update: Aliyun and Tencent Cloud region. fixes #60
- Improved: Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud area management code logic.
- Improved: Finder context menu upload is invoked by URL Scheme. When uPic is not started, it can automatically apply and upload. fixes #59
- Fixed: host verification label.
⚠️ After the update, please restart the Finder (hold the option right-click Dock bar and select restart
), so that the Finder right-click upload function is reloaded.