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Merge pull request xmonad#918 from nilscc/feature/auto-format-to-hls
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Auto-format `OnScreen` and `ScreenCorners` to HLS
slotThe authored Jan 2, 2025
2 parents 195537e + 7f0f0ad commit de01015
Showing 2 changed files with 216 additions and 198 deletions.
217 changes: 125 additions & 92 deletions XMonad/Actions/OnScreen.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Actions.OnScreen
-- Description : Control workspaces on different screens (in xinerama mode).
@@ -10,139 +9,173 @@
-- Portability : unportable
-- Control workspaces on different screens (in xinerama mode).

module XMonad.Actions.OnScreen (
-- * Usage
module XMonad.Actions.OnScreen
( -- * Usage
-- $usage
, onScreen'
, Focus(..)
, viewOnScreen
, greedyViewOnScreen
, onlyOnScreen
, toggleOnScreen
, toggleGreedyOnScreen
) where
Focus (..),

import XMonad
import XMonad.Prelude (fromMaybe, guard, empty)
import XMonad.Prelude (empty, fromMaybe, guard)
import XMonad.StackSet hiding (new)

-- | Focus data definitions
data Focus = FocusNew -- ^ always focus the new screen
| FocusCurrent -- ^ always keep the focus on the current screen
| FocusTag WorkspaceId -- ^ always focus tag i on the new stack
| FocusTagVisible WorkspaceId -- ^ focus tag i only if workspace with tag i is visible on the old stack

data Focus
= -- | always focus the new screen
| -- | always keep the focus on the current screen
| -- | always focus tag i on the new stack
FocusTag WorkspaceId
| -- | focus tag i only if workspace with tag i is visible on the old stack
FocusTagVisible WorkspaceId

-- | Run any function that modifies the stack on a given screen. This function
-- will also need to know which Screen to focus after the function has been
-- run.
onScreen :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -- ^ function to run
-> Focus -- ^ what to do with the focus
-> ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
-> WindowSet
onScreen ::
-- | function to run
(WindowSet -> WindowSet) ->
-- | what to do with the focus
Focus ->
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
-- | current stack
WindowSet ->
onScreen f foc sc st = fromMaybe st $ do
ws <- lookupWorkspace sc st
ws <- lookupWorkspace sc st

let fStack = f $ view ws st

return $ setFocus foc st fStack
let fStack = f $ view ws st

return $ setFocus foc st fStack

-- set focus for new stack
setFocus :: Focus
-> WindowSet -- ^ old stack
-> WindowSet -- ^ new stack
-> WindowSet
setFocus FocusNew _ new = new
setFocus FocusCurrent old new =
case lookupWorkspace (screen $ current old) new of
Nothing -> new
Just i -> view i new
setFocus (FocusTag i) _ new = view i new
setFocus ::
Focus ->
-- | old stack
WindowSet ->
-- | new stack
WindowSet ->
setFocus FocusNew _ new = new
setFocus FocusCurrent old new =
case lookupWorkspace (screen $ current old) new of
Nothing -> new
Just i -> view i new
setFocus (FocusTag i) _ new = view i new
setFocus (FocusTagVisible i) old new =
if i `elem` map (tag . workspace) (visible old)
then setFocus (FocusTag i) old new
else setFocus FocusCurrent old new
if i `elem` map (tag . workspace) (visible old)
then setFocus (FocusTag i) old new
else setFocus FocusCurrent old new

-- | A variation of @onScreen@ which will take any @X ()@ function and run it
-- on the given screen.
-- Warning: This function will change focus even if the function it's supposed
-- to run doesn't succeed.
onScreen' :: X () -- ^ X function to run
-> Focus -- ^ focus
-> ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> X ()
onScreen' ::
-- | X function to run
X () ->
-- | focus
Focus ->
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
X ()
onScreen' x foc sc = do
st <- gets windowset
case lookupWorkspace sc st of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ws -> do
windows $ view ws
windows $ setFocus foc st

st <- gets windowset
case lookupWorkspace sc st of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ws -> do
windows $ view ws
windows $ setFocus foc st

-- | Switch to workspace @i@ on screen @sc@. If @i@ is visible use @view@ to
-- switch focus to the workspace @i@.
viewOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
-> WindowSet
viewOnScreen ::
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
-- | index of the workspace
WorkspaceId ->
-- | current stack
WindowSet ->
viewOnScreen sid i =
onScreen (view i) (FocusTag i) sid
onScreen (view i) (FocusTag i) sid

-- | Switch to workspace @i@ on screen @sc@. If @i@ is visible use @greedyView@
-- to switch the current workspace with workspace @i@.
greedyViewOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
-> WindowSet
greedyViewOnScreen ::
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
-- | index of the workspace
WorkspaceId ->
-- | current stack
WindowSet ->
greedyViewOnScreen sid i =
onScreen (greedyView i) (FocusTagVisible i) sid
onScreen (greedyView i) (FocusTagVisible i) sid

-- | Switch to workspace @i@ on screen @sc@. If @i@ is visible do nothing.
onlyOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
-> WindowSet
onlyOnScreen ::
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
-- | index of the workspace
WorkspaceId ->
-- | current stack
WindowSet ->
onlyOnScreen sid i =
onScreen (view i) FocusCurrent sid
onScreen (view i) FocusCurrent sid

-- | @toggleOrView@ as in "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS" for @onScreen@ with view
toggleOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
-> WindowSet
toggleOnScreen ::
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
-- | index of the workspace
WorkspaceId ->
-- | current stack
WindowSet ->
toggleOnScreen sid i =
onScreen (toggleOrView' view i) FocusCurrent sid
onScreen (toggleOrView' view i) FocusCurrent sid

-- | @toggleOrView@ from "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS" for @onScreen@ with greedyView
toggleGreedyOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
-> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
-> WindowSet
toggleGreedyOnScreen ::
-- | screen id
ScreenId ->
-- | index of the workspace
WorkspaceId ->
-- | current stack
WindowSet ->
toggleGreedyOnScreen sid i =
onScreen (toggleOrView' greedyView i) FocusCurrent sid

onScreen (toggleOrView' greedyView i) FocusCurrent sid

-- a \"pure\" version of X.A.CycleWS.toggleOrDoSkip
toggleOrView' :: (WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -- ^ function to run
-> WorkspaceId -- ^ tag to look for
-> WindowSet -- ^ current stackset
-> WindowSet
toggleOrView' ::
-- | function to run
(WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) ->
-- | tag to look for
WorkspaceId ->
-- | current stackset
WindowSet ->
toggleOrView' f i st = fromMaybe (f i st) $ do
let st' = hidden st
-- make sure we actually have to do something
guard $ i == (tag . workspace $ current st)
case st' of
[] -> empty
(h : _) -> return $ f (tag h) st -- finally, toggle!
let st' = hidden st
-- make sure we actually have to do something
guard $ i == (tag . workspace $ current st)
case st' of
[] -> empty
(h : _) -> return $ f (tag h) st -- finally, toggle!

-- $usage
197 changes: 91 additions & 106 deletions XMonad/Hooks/ScreenCorners.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.ScreenCorners
-- Description : Run X () actions by touching the edge of your screen with your mouse.
@@ -11,42 +13,39 @@
-- Portability : unportable
-- Run @X ()@ actions by touching the edge of your screen with your mouse.

module XMonad.Hooks.ScreenCorners
-- * Usage
( -- * Usage
-- $usage

-- * Adding screen corners
ScreenCorner (..)
, addScreenCorner
, addScreenCorners
ScreenCorner (..),

-- * Event hook
, screenCornerEventHook

-- * Layout hook
, screenCornerLayoutHook
) where

import XMonad.Prelude
import qualified Data.Map as M
import XMonad
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier

import qualified Data.Map as M
import XMonad.Prelude
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS

data ScreenCorner = SCUpperLeft
| SCUpperRight
| SCLowerLeft
| SCLowerRight
| SCTop
| SCBottom
| SCLeft
| SCRight
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ScreenCorner
= SCUpperLeft
| SCUpperRight
| SCLowerLeft
| SCLowerRight
| SCTop
| SCBottom
| SCLeft
| SCRight
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- ExtensibleState modifications
@@ -55,25 +54,22 @@ data ScreenCorner = SCUpperLeft
newtype ScreenCornerState = ScreenCornerState (M.Map Window (ScreenCorner, X ()))

instance ExtensionClass ScreenCornerState where
initialValue = ScreenCornerState M.empty
initialValue = ScreenCornerState M.empty

-- | Add one single @X ()@ action to a screen corner
addScreenCorner :: ScreenCorner -> X () -> X ()
addScreenCorner corner xF = do
ScreenCornerState m <- XS.get
(win, xFunc) <- case find (\(_, (sc, _)) -> sc == corner) (M.toList m) of
Just (w, (_, xF')) -> return (w, xF' >> xF) -- chain X actions
Nothing -> (,xF) <$> createWindowAt corner

ScreenCornerState m <- XS.get
(win,xFunc) <- case find (\(_,(sc,_)) -> sc == corner) (M.toList m) of

Just (w, (_,xF')) -> return (w, xF' >> xF) -- chain X actions
Nothing -> (, xF) <$> createWindowAt corner

XS.modify $ \(ScreenCornerState m') -> ScreenCornerState $ M.insert win (corner,xFunc) m'
XS.modify $ \(ScreenCornerState m') -> ScreenCornerState $ M.insert win (corner, xFunc) m'

-- | Add a list of @(ScreenCorner, X ())@ tuples
addScreenCorners :: [ (ScreenCorner, X ()) ] -> X ()
addScreenCorners :: [(ScreenCorner, X ())] -> X ()
addScreenCorners = mapM_ (uncurry addScreenCorner)

-- Xlib functions
@@ -83,110 +79,99 @@ addScreenCorners = mapM_ (uncurry addScreenCorner)
createWindowAt :: ScreenCorner -> X Window
createWindowAt SCUpperLeft = createWindowAt' 0 0 1 1
createWindowAt SCUpperRight = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
in createWindowAt' (fi w) 0 1 1

let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
in createWindowAt' (fi w) 0 1 1
createWindowAt SCLowerLeft = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
in createWindowAt' 0 (fi h) 1 1

let h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
in createWindowAt' 0 (fi h) 1 1
createWindowAt SCLowerRight = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
in createWindowAt' (fi w) (fi h) 1 1

let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
in createWindowAt' (fi w) (fi h) 1 1
createWindowAt SCTop = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
-- leave some gap so corner and edge can work nicely when they overlap
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' threshold 0 (fi $ fi w - threshold * 2) 1

let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
-- leave some gap so corner and edge can work nicely when they overlap
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' threshold 0 (fi $ fi w - threshold * 2) 1
createWindowAt SCBottom = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' threshold (fi h) (fi $ fi w - threshold * 2) 1

let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' threshold (fi h) (fi $ fi w - threshold * 2) 1
createWindowAt SCLeft = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' 0 threshold 1 (fi $ fi h - threshold * 2)

let h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' 0 threshold 1 (fi $ fi h - threshold * 2)
createWindowAt SCRight = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' (fi w) threshold 1 (fi $ fi h - threshold * 2)
let w = displayWidth dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
h = displayHeight dpy (defaultScreen dpy) - 1
threshold = 150
in createWindowAt' (fi w) threshold 1 (fi $ fi h - threshold * 2)

-- Create a new X window at a (x,y) Position, with given width and height.
createWindowAt' :: Position -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> X Window
createWindowAt' x y width height = withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ do

rootw <- rootWindow dpy (defaultScreen dpy)

visual = defaultVisualOfScreen $ defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy
attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect

w <- allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \attributes -> do

set_override_redirect attributes True
createWindow dpy -- display
rootw -- parent window
x -- x
y -- y
width -- width
height -- height
0 -- border width
0 -- depth
inputOnly -- class
visual -- visual
attrmask -- valuemask
attributes -- attributes

-- we only need mouse entry events
selectInput dpy w enterWindowMask
mapWindow dpy w
sync dpy False
return w
rootw <- rootWindow dpy (defaultScreen dpy)

let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen $ defaultScreenOfDisplay dpy
attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect

w <- allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \attributes -> do
set_override_redirect attributes True
dpy -- display
rootw -- parent window
x -- x
y -- y
width -- width
height -- height
0 -- border width
0 -- depth
inputOnly -- class
visual -- visual
attrmask -- valuemask
attributes -- attributes

-- we only need mouse entry events
selectInput dpy w enterWindowMask
mapWindow dpy w
sync dpy False
return w

-- Event hook

-- | Handle screen corner events
screenCornerEventHook :: Event -> X All
screenCornerEventHook CrossingEvent { ev_window = win } = do
screenCornerEventHook CrossingEvent {ev_window = win} = do
ScreenCornerState m <- XS.get

ScreenCornerState m <- XS.get

case M.lookup win m of
Just (_, xF) -> xF
Nothing -> return ()

return (All True)
case M.lookup win m of
Just (_, xF) -> xF
Nothing -> return ()

return (All True)
screenCornerEventHook _ = return (All True)

-- Layout hook

data ScreenCornerLayout a = ScreenCornerLayout
deriving ( Read, Show )
deriving (Read, Show)

instance LayoutModifier ScreenCornerLayout a where
hook ScreenCornerLayout = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
ScreenCornerState m <- XS.get
io $ mapM_ (raiseWindow dpy) $ M.keys m
unhook = hook
hook ScreenCornerLayout = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
ScreenCornerState m <- XS.get
io $ mapM_ (raiseWindow dpy) $ M.keys m
unhook = hook

screenCornerLayoutHook :: l a -> ModifiedLayout ScreenCornerLayout l a
screenCornerLayoutHook = ModifiedLayout ScreenCornerLayout


-- $usage
-- This extension adds KDE-like screen corners and GNOME Hot Edge like

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