A modern, user-friendly invoicing application that makes creating and sending invoices irresistibly simple.
- Send an email to authenticate the user when they log in, and allow the client to log in after confirmation.
- Create and manage professional invoices
- Automatically send an email to the client when an invoice is created
- Automatically send an email to the client when an invoice is updated
- Track the status of invoices
- Automatically deliver emails
- View recent invoices on the dashboard
- Uses a secure authentication system
- Send reminder emails to users
- Frontend: Next.js 15, React, Tailwind CSS
- Backend: Next.js API routes, Server Actions, Prisma ORM
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Authentication: Auth.js
- Email: Nodemailer, Mailtrap SDK
- UI Components: Shadcn UI, Lucide Icons
Author Name : Harsh Vardhan Pandey
Author URI : www.theharsh.xyz
GitHub URI : geekyharsh05