Geins Management API is an RESTful api to power your applications who manages your geins services. Geins provides an easy-to-use and scalable solution for managing all aspects of an online store, from product listings and customer information to order processing and payment transactions.
Once you have created an account, you can start using the Management API by creating an API key
. You can create as many API keys as you need. Each API key
is connected to a specific account so you can keep track of operations and manage keys. You can find your API key
in the geins merchant center
Use one of our SDKs to get started quickly. The SDKs are available for the most popular programming languages and frameworks.
Or, if you prefer to just take it for a test run:
Two authentication methods are supported:
Basic Auth
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: v1.7
- Package version:
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.Swift5ClientCodegen
Run carthage update
Run pod install
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
BrandAPI | createBrand | POST /API/Brand | Create a new brand |
BrandAPI | getBrandById | GET /API/Brand/{id} | Get a specific brand |
BrandAPI | queryBrands | POST /API/Brand/Query | Query brands |
BrandAPI | updateBrand | PUT /API/Brand/{id} | Updates a brand |
CategoryAPI | createCategory | POST /API/Category | Create a new category |
CategoryAPI | getCategoryById | GET /API/Category/{id} | Get a specific category |
CategoryAPI | queryCategories | POST /API/Category/Query | Query categories |
CategoryAPI | updateCategory | PUT /API/Category/{id} | Update a category |
MarketAPI | getMarketById | GET /API/Market/{marketId} | Get a specific market |
MarketAPI | listMarkets | GET /API/Market/List | Gets a list of all markets |
OrderAPI | addCommentToOrder | POST /API/Order/{id}/Comment | Adds a comment to the order |
OrderAPI | createOrder | POST /API/Order | Post a new order |
OrderAPI | createOrderId | POST /API/Order/Id | Create a new order id |
OrderAPI | deleteOrder | DELETE /API/Order/{id} | Deletes or deactivates an order |
OrderAPI | getCaptureById | GET /API/Order/Capture/{captureId} | Get Capture by Id |
OrderAPI | getOrderById | GET /API/Order/{id}/{include} | Get an instance of a order |
OrderAPI | getOrderStatuses | GET /API/Order/Statuses | Get a list of available order statuses |
OrderAPI | getRefundById | GET /API/Order/Refund/{refundId} | Get Refund by Id |
OrderAPI | partialUpdateOfOrder | PATCH /API/Order/{id} | Partial update of an order |
OrderAPI | queryOrders | POST /API/Order/Query | Query the order repository |
OrderAPI | setCaptureAsProcessed | POST /API/Order/Capture/SetAsProcessed | Set a capture as processed (= captured) |
OrderAPI | setPaymentAsPayed | POST /API/Order/PaymentDetail/{paymentDetailId}/SetAsPayed | Set Payment Detail as payed |
OrderAPI | setRefundAsProcessed | POST /API/Order/Refund/SetAsProcessed | Set a refund as processed (= settled) |
OrderAPI | updateOrderStatus | POST /API/Order/{id}/Status/{status}/{transactionId}/{secondaryTransactionId} | Update order status |
OrderAPI | updateTransactionData | POST /API/Order/{id}/TransactionData | Updates transaction data on an order |
OrderAPI | validateOrder | POST /API/Order/ValidateCreation | Validates order data for order creation. |
PageAreaAPI | createOrUpdateAPageArea | POST /API/PageArea | Create or update a page area |
PageAreaAPI | createOrUpdatePageAreaFamily | POST /API/PageAreaFamily | Create or update a page area family |
PageAreaAPI | getPageArea | GET /API/PageArea/{name} | Get a specific page area |
PageAreaAPI | getPageAreaFamily | GET /API/PageAreaFamily/{familyId} | Get a specific page area family |
PageAreaAPI | listPageAreaFamilies | GET /API/PageAreaFamily/List | Gets a list of all page area families, including nested data |
PaymentAPI | queryPaymentOptions | POST /API/Payment/Query | Query payment options |
PriceListAPI | listPriceLists | GET /API/PriceList/List | Get all price list definitions |
PriceListAPI | updatePricelistPrices | PUT /API/PriceList/Price | Updates price list prices |
ProductAPI | addAvailabilityMonitor | POST /API/Product/MonitorAvailability | Add a product availability monitor |
ProductAPI | addCategoryToProduct | PUT /API/Product/{productId}/Category | Adds a category relation to a product |
ProductAPI | addImageToProduct | PUT /API/Product/{productId}/Image/{imageName} | Adds an image relation to a product |
ProductAPI | addRelatedProductsToProduct | PUT /API/Product/{productId}/Related | Add related products to a product |
ProductAPI | batchUpdateProductItems | PUT /API/Product/Items | Updates product items in batch |
ProductAPI | batchUpdateStockValues | PUT /API/Product/Stock | Update stock values for multiple product items |
ProductAPI | createProduct | POST /API/Product | Create a new product |
ProductAPI | createProductItems | POST /API/Product/{productId}/Item | Create a new product item |
ProductAPI | getProductById | GET /API/Product/{productId} | Get a specific product |
ProductAPI | getProductItemById | GET /API/Product/Item/{itemId} | Get a specific product item |
ProductAPI | linkRelatedProductsByRelationId | PUT /API/Product/{productId}/Related/{relationTypeId} | Add related products to a product using a fixed relation type |
ProductAPI | listAllProductItemsPaged | GET /API/Product/Items/{page} | Get all product items with pagination |
ProductAPI | listFeeds | GET /API/Product/Feeds | Gets a list of all feeds |
ProductAPI | listProductItems | GET /API/Product/Items | Get all product items |
ProductAPI | listProductRelationTypes | GET /API/Product/RelationTypes | Gets a list of product relation types |
ProductAPI | queryProducts | POST /API/Product/Query | Query products |
ProductAPI | queryProductsPaged | POST /API/Product/Query/{page} | Query products with pagination |
ProductAPI | queryStock | POST /API/Product/Stock/Query | Query stock |
ProductAPI | updateProduct | PUT /API/Product/{productId} | Updates a product |
ProductAPI | updateProductItem | PUT /API/Product/Item/{itemId} | Updates a product item |
ProductParameterAPI | batchReplaceProductParameterValues | POST /API/ProductParameter/Values | Replace multiple product parameter values |
ProductParameterAPI | batchUpdateProductParameterValues | PUT /API/ProductParameter/Values | Update multiple product parameter values |
ProductParameterAPI | createOrUpdateProductParameterValue | POST /API/ProductParameter/Value | Create or update a new product parameter value |
ProductParameterAPI | createProductParameter | POST /API/ProductParameter | Create a new product parameter |
ProductParameterAPI | createProductParameterGroup | POST /API/ProductParameter/Group | Create a new product parameter group |
ProductParameterAPI | createProductParameterPredefinedValue | POST /API/ProductParameter/PredefinedValue | Create a new predefined value for a product parameter |
ProductParameterAPI | getProductParameterById | GET /API/ProductParameter/{id} | Get a specific product parameter |
ProductParameterAPI | getProductParameterGroupById | GET /API/ProductParameter/Group/{id} | Get a specific product parameter group |
ProductParameterAPI | getProductParameterPredefinedValue | GET /API/ProductParameter/PredefinedValue/{id} | Get a specific predefined value for a product parameter |
ProductParameterAPI | getProductParameterValue | GET /API/ProductParameter/Value/{id} | Get a specific product parameter value |
ProductParameterAPI | updateProductParameter | PUT /API/ProductParameter/{id} | Updates a product parameter |
ProductParameterAPI | updateProductParameterGroup | PUT /API/ProductParameter/Group/{id} | Update a product parameter group |
ShippingAPI | createParcelGroup | POST /API/Shipping/ParcelGroup | Create a new parcel group |
ShippingAPI | queryShippingOptions | POST /API/Shipping/Query | Query shipping options |
SupplierAPI | createSupplier | POST /API/Supplier | Create a new supplier |
SupplierAPI | getSupplierById | GET /API/Supplier/{id} | Get a specific supplier |
SupplierAPI | querySuppliers | POST /API/Supplier/Query | Query suppliers |
SupplierAPI | updateSupplier | PUT /API/Supplier/{id} | Updates a supplier |
UserAPI | createUserProfile | POST /API/User | Create user profile |
UserAPI | deleteUserProfile | DELETE /API/User/email | Delete user profile |
UserAPI | getUserProfile | POST /API/User/Query | Get a specific user profile |
UserAPI | updateUserProfile | PUT /API/User | Update user profile |
VariantAPI | addProductToVariantGroup | PUT /API/VariantGroup/{groupId}/{productId} | Adds a product to an existing group |
VariantAPI | addProductToVariantGroupByProductId | PUT /API/Variant/{productId1}/{productId2} | Adds a product to an existing group |
VariantAPI | createVariantGroup | POST /API/VariantGroup | Create a new variant group |
VariantAPI | createVariantGroupWithProduct | POST /API/Variant/{productId}/VariantGroup | Create a new group for the provided product id |
VariantAPI | deleteVariantGroup | DELETE /API/VariantGroup/{groupId} | Delete an entire variant group |
VariantAPI | deleteVariantGroupByProductId | DELETE /API/Variant/{productId}/VariantGroup | Delete an entire variant group |
VariantAPI | getVariantGroup | GET /API/VariantGroup/{groupId} | Get a specific variant group |
VariantAPI | getVariantGroupByProductId | GET /API/Variant/{productId}/VariantGroup | Get the variant group for the provided id |
VariantAPI | getVariantLabels | GET /API/Variant/Labels | Get all valid variant labels |
VariantAPI | removeProductFromVariantGroup | DELETE /API/Variant/{productId} | Remove a product from its variant group |
VariantAPI | updateVariant | PUT /API/Variant/{productId} | Adds the variant details for the product with the provided ID |
VariantAPI | updateVariantGroup | PUT /API/VariantGroup/{groupId} | Updates the settings of a group |
- APIOrderOrderComment
- APIOrderTransactionData
- BrandModelsBrandQuery
- BrandModelsReadBrand
- BrandModelsWriteBrand
- CategoryModelsCategoryQuery
- CategoryModelsReadCategory
- CategoryModelsWriteCategory
- ContainerRestrictionSetupContainerRestrictionConfiguration
- Envelope
- EnvelopeBrandModelsReadBrand
- EnvelopeCategoryModelsReadCategory
- EnvelopeInt
- EnvelopeListProductModelsReadFeed
- EnvelopeListProductModelsReadProduct
- EnvelopeListProductModelsReadProductItem
- EnvelopeListProductModelsReadRelationType
- EnvelopeMarketModelsMarket
- EnvelopePageAreaModelsReadPageArea
- EnvelopePageAreaModelsReadPageAreaFamily
- EnvelopeProductModelsReadProduct
- EnvelopeProductModelsReadProductItem
- EnvelopeProductParameterModelsReadProductParameter
- EnvelopeProductParameterModelsReadProductParameterGroup
- EnvelopeProductParameterModelsReadProductParameterPredefinedValue
- EnvelopeProductParameterModelsReadProductParameterValue
- EnvelopeString
- EnvelopeSupplierModelsReadSupplier
- EnvelopeUserModelsReadUserProfile
- EnvelopeVariantModelsReadVariant
- EnvelopeVariantModelsReadVariantGroup
- MarketModelsMarket
- OrderCapture
- OrderCaptureRow
- OrderCheckoutOrder
- OrderCheckoutOrderRow
- OrderFreightClass
- OrderModelsAddress
- OrderModelsOrder
- OrderModelsOrderQuery
- OrderModelsOrderRow
- OrderModelsOrderStatus
- OrderModelsOrderUpdate
- OrderModelsPaymentDetail
- OrderModelsRefund
- OrderModelsShippingDetail
- OrderProcessedCapture
- OrderProcessedRefund
- OrderRefund
- OrderRefundRow
- OrderValidateOrderCreationRequest
- OrderValidateOrderCreationRequestStockItem
- PageAreaModelsReadPageArea
- PageAreaModelsReadPageAreaFamily
- PageAreaModelsReadPageWidget
- PageAreaModelsReadPageWidgetContainer
- PageAreaModelsWritePageArea
- PageAreaModelsWritePageAreaFamily
- PageResult
- PageWidgetLazyLoadSetupLazyLoadCollectionConfiguration
- PageWidgetLazyLoadSetupLazyLoadConfiguration
- PaymentModelsPaymentOption
- PaymentModelsPaymentOptionQuery
- PriceListModelsPriceList
- PriceListModelsPriceListPriceResponse
- PriceListModelsReadPriceListPrice
- PriceListModelsWritePriceListPrice
- ProductModelsMonitorSku
- ProductModelsProductCategory
- ProductModelsProductQuery
- ProductModelsReadFeed
- ProductModelsReadFeedMembership
- ProductModelsReadImage
- ProductModelsReadProduct
- ProductModelsReadProductItem
- ProductModelsReadProductItemStock
- ProductModelsReadProductUrl
- ProductModelsReadRelatedProduct
- ProductModelsReadRelationType
- ProductModelsReadShippingFee
- ProductModelsRelatedProductEnvelope
- ProductModelsStockEnvelope
- ProductModelsWriteProduct
- ProductModelsWriteProductItem
- ProductModelsWriteProductItemStock
- ProductModelsWriteRelatedProduct
- ProductParameterModelsReadProductParameter
- ProductParameterModelsReadProductParameterGroup
- ProductParameterModelsReadProductParameterPredefinedValue
- ProductParameterModelsReadProductParameterValue
- ProductParameterModelsWriteProductParameter
- ProductParameterModelsWriteProductParameterGroup
- ProductParameterModelsWriteProductParameterPredefinedValue
- ProductParameterModelsWriteProductParameterValue
- ProductParameterModelsWriteProductParameterValueBatch
- ProductProductItemEnvelope
- SharedModelsLocalizableContent
- ShippingModelsParcelGroupOptions
- ShippingModelsShippingOption
- ShippingModelsShippingQuery
- ShippingModelsShippingSubOption
- SupplierModelsReadSupplier
- SupplierModelsSupplierQuery
- SupplierModelsWriteSupplier
- SystemNullableValidationConfiguration
- UserModelsReadUserProfile
- UserModelsUserProfileQuery
- UserModelsWriteUserProfile
- VariantModelsReadVariant
- VariantModelsReadVariantGroup
- VariantModelsWriteVariant
- VariantModelsWriteVariantGroup
- WidgetRestrictionSetupWidgetRestrictionConfiguration
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-apikey
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication