version 7.9
release date: 2 Sep 2020
GO version (updated to v2.4):
- version v2.4
- now the script can respond when the client asks for info and ping (func buildMessage and answerPingReq)
- func answerPingReq: new
- added data for server icon
- func buildMessage is now enhanced for both cases: txt and info
- func forwardSync: added "use of closed network connection" error handling
- func forwardSync: when debug is active and server is online, the script automatically recognize serverVersion and serverProtocol
- func handleClientSocket: not executed as a thread but as a normal function
- moved setServerStatusOnline and updateTimeleft in startMinecraftServer (as py version)
- bug: moved net.Listen outside of the for loop in main
- bug: correct typo in timeLeftUntilUp
PYTHON version (unchanged):
- version v5.5
- moved logging.basicConfig in py specific section
- func handleClientSocket: not executed as a thread but as a normal function
- func buildMessage: renamed messageJson to messageJSON
- func answerPingReq: renamed res to req