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This is a pip package for data manipulation, cleaning in the TRE.


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tretools is a Python package tailored for data scientists and researchers looking to streamline the process of running codelist numbers against various datasets in the Genes and Health TRE. It also provides a variety of data cleaning functions to prepare your datasets for analysis.

Getting Started


Before installing tretools, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Python 3.8+
  • pip
  • pip-tools for managing dependencies
  • Just


The package is being installed into the TRE and can be used in the usual way there.

If you wish to install it locally, you can do so in two ways.

1. Install from GitHub

pip install git+

2. Install from local directory in order to make changes to the package

Clone the repo:

git clone

Install the package in editable mode:

pip install -e <path-to-tre-tools>


There are two building blocks to tretools:

  1. Codelist
  2. Dataset


A Codelist is a collection of codelist numbers that can be used to run against a dataset. There are 3 types of codelists:

  2. ICD10
  3. OPCS

A codelist can be created by reading in a CSV file. This CSV must have a code column and a term column.

diabetes_codelist = Codelist("diabetes.csv", "SNOMED")

The easiest way is if these columns are named code and term respectively. If they are not, you can specify the column names when creating the codelist. In the example below, the code column is called snomed_code and the term column is called snomed_term.

diabetes_codelist = Codelist("diabetes.csv", "SNOMED", code_column="snomed_code", term_column="snomed_term")

The codelist will validate the codes to ensure they meet the expected format for the codelist type. For example, a SNOMED code must contain a restricted quantity of numbers.

There is also an additional option for use with ICD10 codes to specify where you also want to add X codes - that is if you have a code that is A01, you also want to add A01X. This is done by setting the add_x_codes parameter to True when creating the codelist.

diabetes_codelist = Codelist("diabetes.csv", "ICD10", add_x_codes=True)


A Dataset is a collection of data that can be used to run against a codelist. There are 3 types of datasets:

  1. RawDataset
  2. ProcessedDataset
  3. DemographicsDataset

All datasets have the ability to be written to a CSV file or a feather file.


A RawDataset is a dataset that has not been cleaned or processed in any way. A ProcessedDataset is a dataset that has been cleaned and processed.

dataset = RawDataset(path="procedures.csv", dataset_type="primary_care", coding_system="SNOMED")

We can convert this dataset to a ProcessedDataset by calling the process_dataset(). This will clean the dataset by standarising the column names, dropping unneeded columns, standarising the date format and deduplicating. It requires two parameters:

  1. deduplication_options: A list of columns to deduplicate on. This must include nhs_number and code, and can optionally include term and date.
  2. column_maps: A dictionary of column names to be renamed. This means indicating which of the column name in the dataset is the NHS number, code and term.

The process_dataset() method will return a ProcessedDataset instance. It does the following things:

  • Standarise the column names so the NHS number column is called nhs_number, the code column is called code, term column is called term and the date column is called date.
  • Drop unneeded columns - We are only interested in the NHS number, code, term and date columns.
  • Drop all rows with null values - We are only interested in rows where we have a full set of data.
  • Standarise the date format - We want the date to be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. It can handle a variety of date formats.
  • Deduplicate - We want to deduplicate on the NHS number and code.

At this stage, the same code for the same patient on a different date is included.


A ProcessedDataset is a dataset that has been cleaned and processed.

A ProcessedDataset can be created by reading in a CSV file or a feather file, or directly from a RawDataset instance by calling the process_dataset() method.

There are two main methods for a ProcessedDataset:

  1. merge_with_dataset(): This method allows you to merge two ProcessedDatasets together. It will check that the coding system and dataset type are the same, and that the column names are the same. It will then merge the two datasets together.
  2. deduplicate(): This method allows you to deduplicate the dataset. It will remove rows where the entire row is the same, and for duplicate NHS number and code, it will keep the first event after a specified date. If no date is specified, it will keep the first event.


A DemographicsDataset is a dataset that contains demographic information about patients. It can be created by reading in two txt file containing the demographics information. These files are:

  • File that maps NHS number to S1QST_Oragene_ID
  • File that maps S1QST_Oragene_ID to gender and month of birth.

In Gender, Males are represented by number 1 and Females by number 2.

The DemographicsDataset has a method called process_dataset(). This method takes 2 parameters:

  • column_maps: A dictionary of column names to be renamed. This means indicating which of the column names in two parent files represent key columns.
  • round_to_day_in_month: The day of the month to round the date of birth to. Defaults to 15 (i.e. mid month).

Phenotype Reports

A phenotype report is a report that shows the number of patients in a dataset that have a code in a codelist. It takes a codelist and a dataset as input, and outputs a report showing the number of patients in the dataset that have a code in the codelist.

Creating a Phenotype Report

A phenotype report can be created by calling the PhenotypeReport class and passing in a name for the report.

diabetes_report = PhenotypeReport("diabetes")

Adding a count to a Phenotype Report

A count can be added to a phenotype report by calling the add_count() method. This method takes 3 parameters:

  1. name_of_count: The name of the count. This will be used to identify the count in the report.
  2. codelist: The codelist to count. This must be a Codelist instance.
  3. dataset: The dataset to count. This must be a ProcessedDataset instance.
diabetes_report.add_count("primary_care", diabetes_codelist, primary_care_dataset)

Note that the name of the count must be unique within the report. If you try to add a count with the same name as an existing count, it will raise an error.

The add_count() method will count the number of patients in the dataset that have a code in the codelist.


A phenotype report can also report on the demographics of patients in a dataset. This can be done if the a DemographicsDataset is passed in to the optional argument demographics_dataset when calling the add_count() method.

diabetes_report.add_count("primary_care", diabetes_codelist, primary_care_dataset, demographics_dataset=demographics_dataset)

This will add the following demographics to the report:

  • Gender
  • Age at first event


A phenotype report can also report on the overlaps between datasets. This can be done by calling the report_overlaps() method. This will report on patients unique to each dataset and those appearing in one or more datasets.


Saving a Phenotype Report

A phenotype report can be saved to a JSON file by calling the save_to_json() method. This method takes 2 parameters:

  1. path: The path to save the JSON file to.
  2. overwrite: Whether to overwrite the file if it already exists. Defaults to True.

Loading a Phenotype Report

A phenotype report can be loaded from a JSON file by calling the load_from_json() method. This method takes 1 parameter:

  1. path: The path to the JSON file.


Creating a codelist

# Create codelists 
diabetes_snomed_codelist = Codelist("diabetes_snomed.csv", "SNOMED")
diabetes_icd_codelists = Codelist("diabetes_icd.csv", "ICD10", add_x_codes=True)

# Clean datasets
## Primary Care
primary_care_dataset = RawDataset("primary_care.csv", "primary_care", "SNOMED")
primary_care_dataset = primary_care_dataset.process_dataset(deduplication_options=["nhs_number", "code"], column_maps={"psuedo_nhs_number": "nhs_number", "code": "code", "term": "term", "date_of_event": "date"})

## Hospital Observations
hospital_dataset_1 = RawDataset("hospital_obs.csv", "barts_health", "SNOMED")
hospital_dataset_1 = hospital_dataset_1.process_dataset(deduplication_options=["nhs_number", "code"], column_maps={"pseudo_nhs_number": "nhs_number", "code": "code", "term": "term", "date_of_event": "date"})

## Hospital Admissions
hospital_dataset_2 = RawDataset("hospital_admissions.csv", "barts_health", "ICD10")
hospital_dataset_2 = hospital_dataset_2.process_dataset(deduplication_options=["nhs_number", "code"], column_maps={"pseudo_nhs_number": "nhs_number", "code": "code", "term": "term", "date_of_event": "date"})

# Combine hospital datasets
combined_hospital_dataset = hospital_dataset_1.merge_with_dataset(hospital_dataset_2)
combined_hospital_dataset = combined_hospital_dataset.deduplicate()

# Create phenotype report
diabetes_report = PhenotypeReport("diabetes")
diabetes_report.add_count("primary_care", diabetes_snomed_codelist, primary_care_dataset)
diabetes_report.add_count("hospital", diabetes_icd_codelists, combined_hospital_dataset)


We can also run the above example using the tretools engine. This creates phenotypes reports using a CSV configuration file.

Configuration File

A template configuration file can be created by:

from tretools.phenotype_report.engine import PhenotypeReportEngine


This will create a CSV file that can be filled in with the details of the codelists and datasets you want to use. It has the following columns:

  • phenotype_name: The name of the phenotype. This will be used as the name of the report.
  • dataset_name: The name of the dataset. This will be used to identify the dataset in the report.
  • dataset_path: The path to the dataset.
  • dataset_type: The type of the dataset. This can be primary_care, barts_health, nhs_digital or bradford

Running the Engine

from tretools.phenotype_report.engine import PhenotypeReportEngine

engine = PhenotypeReportEngine("path/to/config/file.csv")
reports = engine.generate_reports(reports_folder_path="path/to/save/reports/to")