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A place where users share their poetry, heart and letters.


Many say that poetry is dead, here's an app which aims to keep it alive - Poesía. It is a place for users to share their poetry (raps too!). A place where people can go for inspiration and to contribute to a growing community of writers.

User Stories

  • As a user I want to Read a list of poems
  • As a user I want the ability to see who authored the poem
  • As a user I want to be able to Create an entry
  • As a user I want to see my entry in the list of poems
  • As a user I want the ability to Update an entry
  • As a user I want the ability to Delete an entry



Original Wireframe

poesia-wireframe-1 poesia-wireframe-2


1 2 3 4

See App Here


  • Click Share Gems to share your poetry.
  • Click Poesías to see a list of poems; once there you will have the ability to edit or delete an entry.
  • (Current issue: upon first entering the app and clicking Poesías the poems take a bit to load, do not fret they will show up and I'm working on it. Thanks.

Technologies Used

The technologies used for this project include...

A Postgresql database.

Ruby on Rails in the back-end.

Gemfiles such as gem 'rack-cors' which handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible.

React.js in the front-end.


  • "bulma": "^0.7.1"
  • "eslint": "^5.5.0"
  • "react": "^16.4.2"
  • "react-dom": "^16.4.2"
  • "react-scripts": "1.1.5"

Code Snippet

Back-end, in my database seed file I have a / right before every new line of poetry which is handled in the Front-end via a .split() function which makes it possible for the poem content to be broken up into a new line where indicated by the /.

seeds listpoems

The code above also maps through the array of poems, displaying the title and content. It then maps through the array of users and matches the poetry entries with their correct Author with a simple if statement.

Coming Soon!

Here is what's next for the Poesía app:

  • NYC bookshop information available to the user:


  • User will be able to add audio bits of poetry
  • "Poem of the month" section for inspiration
  • User authentication for content safety

References Include

Front-end guide

Back-end guide

Special Thanks

For their troubleshooting help

  • Mimi Klein (WDI Lambda Project Squad Lead)
  • Geoffrey Harnett (WDI Lambda Classmate)
  • Ufuoma Gometi (WDI Grad)