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feat(#400): ogmios provider (wip)
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sourabhxyz committed Jan 28, 2025


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
sourabhxyz Sourabh
1 parent 6cc7335 commit 256a7d6
Showing 3 changed files with 182 additions and 1 deletion.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions atlas-cardano.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ library
174 changes: 174 additions & 0 deletions src/GeniusYield/Providers/Ogmios.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
{- |
Module : GeniusYield.Providers.Ogmios
Description : Ogmios provider for remote node connection
Copyright : (c) 2025 GYELD GMBH
License : Apache 2.0
Maintainer : [email protected]
Stability : develop
module GeniusYield.Providers.Ogmios (
OgmiosProviderException (..),
) where

import Cardano.Api qualified as Api
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Data.Aeson (Value (Null), encode, object, withObject, (.:), (.=))
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Deriving.Aeson
import GeniusYield.Imports
import GeniusYield.Providers.Common (
SubmitTxException (..),
import GeniusYield.Types
import GeniusYield.Types qualified as GYTypes (PlutusVersion (..))
import GeniusYield.Types.Script (GYAnyScript (..))
import Servant.API (
Headers (getResponse),
ResponseHeader (Header),
type (:<|>) (..),
import Servant.Client (

newtype OgmiosApiEnv = OgmiosApiEnv ClientEnv

-- | Returns a new 'OgmiosApiEnv' given the base url to query from.
newOgmiosApiEnv :: String -> IO OgmiosApiEnv
newOgmiosApiEnv baseUrl = OgmiosApiEnv <$> newServantClientEnv baseUrl

-- | Exceptions.
data OgmiosProviderException
= -- | Error from the Ogmios API.
OgmiosApiError !Text !ClientError
| -- TODO: Is OgmiosAbsurdResponse needed?

-- | Received an absurd response from Ogmios. This shouldn't ever happen.
OgmiosAbsurdResponse !Text
deriving stock (Eq, Show)
deriving anyclass Exception

{-# INLINEABLE runOgmiosClient #-}
runOgmiosClient :: OgmiosApiEnv -> ClientM a -> IO (Either ClientError a)
runOgmiosClient (OgmiosApiEnv cEnv) c = runClientM c cEnv

{-# INLINEABLE handleOgmiosError #-}
handleOgmiosError :: Text -> Either ClientError a -> IO a
handleOgmiosError locationInfo = either (throwIO . OgmiosApiError locationInfo) pure

-- TODO: Remove these comments.
class ToJSONRPC a where
toMethod :: a -> Text

-- TODO: Does empty map work same as Nothing?
toParams :: a -> Maybe Value

instance ToJSONRPC GYTx where
toMethod = const "submitTransaction"
toParams tx = Just $ toJSON $ Map.fromList [("transaction" :: Text, Map.fromList [("cbor" :: Text, txToHex tx)])]

newtype OgmiosRequest a = OgmiosRequest a

instance ToJSONRPC a => ToJSON (OgmiosRequest a) where
toJSON (OgmiosRequest a) =
[ "jsonrpc" .= ("2.0" :: Text)
, "method" .= toMethod a
, "params" .= toParams a

newtype OgmiosResponse a = OgmiosResponse
{ response :: Either Value a
deriving stock Show

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (OgmiosResponse a) where
parseJSON = withObject "OgmiosResponse" $ \o -> do
result <- o .: "result"
case result of
Null -> OgmiosResponse . Left <$> o .: "error"
_ -> OgmiosResponse . Right <$> parseJSON result

newtype TxIdResponse = TxIdResponse
{ id :: GYTxId
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass FromJSON

newtype TxSubmissionResponse = TxSubmissionResponse
{ transaction :: TxIdResponse
deriving stock (Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass FromJSON

submitTx :: OgmiosRequest GYTx -> ClientM (OgmiosResponse TxSubmissionResponse)
protocolParams :: OgmiosRequest OgmiosPP -> ClientM Value

data OgmiosPP = OgmiosPP

instance ToJSONRPC OgmiosPP where
toMethod = const "queryLedgerState/protocolParameters"
toParams = const Nothing

type OgmiosApi = ReqBody '[JSON] (OgmiosRequest GYTx) :> Post '[JSON] (OgmiosResponse TxSubmissionResponse) :<|> ReqBody '[JSON] (OgmiosRequest OgmiosPP) :> Post '[JSON] Value

submitTx :<|> protocolParams = client @OgmiosApi Proxy

-- | Submit a transaction to the node via Ogmios.
ogmiosSubmitTx :: OgmiosApiEnv -> GYSubmitTx
ogmiosSubmitTx env tx = do
let debreq = OgmiosRequest tx
putStrLn $ "Request body: " <> show (encode debreq)
OgmiosResponse rs <-
handleOgmiosError fn
<=< runOgmiosClient env
$ submitTx (OgmiosRequest tx)
case rs of
-- TODO: Does error message look similar in case of say Maestro?
Left err -> throwIO . SubmitTxException . Text.pack . show $ err
Right (TxSubmissionResponse (TxIdResponse txId)) -> pure txId
fn = "ogmiosSubmitTx"

-- | Fetch protocol parameters.
ogmiosProtocolParameters :: OgmiosApiEnv -> IO (Value)
ogmiosProtocolParameters env = do
val <-
handleOgmiosError fn
<=< runOgmiosClient env
$ protocolParams (OgmiosRequest OgmiosPP)
putStrLn $ "Response body: " <> show val
pure val
-- case val of
-- -- TODO: Does error message look similar in case of say Maestro?
-- Left err -> throwIO . SubmitTxException . Text.pack . show $ err
-- Right (TxSubmissionResponse (TxIdResponse txId)) -> pure txId

fn = "ogmiosProtocolParameters"
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/GeniusYield/Types/Tx.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ import GeniusYield.Types.PlutusVersion (

newtype GYTx = GYTx (Api.Tx ApiEra)

instance IsString GYTx where
fromString = either error id . txFromHexE

{- |
>>> txToApi <$> (Aeson.fromJSON @GYTx $ Aeson.toJSON tx)
@@ -150,7 +153,10 @@ instance Printf.PrintfArg GYTx where
Just (ShelleyTx ShelleyBasedEraConway (AlonzoTx {body = TxBodyConstr ConwayTxBodyRaw {ctbrSpendInputs = fromList [TxIn (TxId {unTxId = SafeHash "677b32cca6387836fc53ec35b4060800893c22edc1e1d20ff74c42e67aca1e21"}) (TxIx {unTxIx = 1}),TxIn (TxId {unTxId = SafeHash "f13e16fafb7df5fbdff775d949a28edd586a3e0426739bc782c9f5d82ecdb70a"}) (TxIx {unTxIx = 0})], ctbrCollateralInputs = fromList [TxIn (TxId {unTxId = SafeHash "c816519a759e300acc16d1e2812500392c85ae6d5af886dd154c9084a610a120"}) (TxIx {unTxIx = 0})], ctbrReferenceInputs = fromList [TxIn (TxId {unTxId = SafeHash "16647d6365020555d905d6e0edcf08b90a567886f875b40b3d7cec1c70482624"}) (TxIx {unTxIx = 0}),TxIn (TxId {unTxId = SafeHash "16647d6365020555d905d6e0edcf08b90a567886f875b40b3d7cec1c70482624"}) (TxIx {unTxIx = 1})], ctbrOutputs = StrictSeq {fromStrict = fromList [Sized {sizedValue = (Addr Testnet (ScriptHashObj (ScriptHash "44376a5f63342097a4f20401088c62da272639e60644a9ec1d70f444")) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash {unKeyHash = "1d3554e12c8aed91818a0600a57bea9d50e509beda567387d1247315"}))),MaryValue (Coin 103400000) (MultiAsset (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash "53827a77e4ed3d5c211706708c0aa9b9a3be19db901b1cbf7fa515b8"},fromList [("b7f1e540a130b7d9010c9ad87f284d914ab9753ae846c9b5221436086efe5f01",1)])])),DatumHash (SafeHash "7caffd4aa6d4942ad42cf8d109feee13994ab5dc3bd657a571b70d679538d575"),SNothing), sizedSize = 167},Sized {sizedValue = (Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash {unKeyHash = "99f8985db8b9076f61ecec59eca67e30224dc20afb40491aecc6aa97"})) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash {unKeyHash = "1d3554e12c8aed91818a0600a57bea9d50e509beda567387d1247315"}))),MaryValue (Coin 997296677) (MultiAsset (fromList [])),NoDatum,SNothing), sizedSize = 65}]}, ctbrCollateralReturn = SJust (Sized {sizedValue = (Addr Testnet (KeyHashObj (KeyHash {unKeyHash = "99f8985db8b9076f61ecec59eca67e30224dc20afb40491aecc6aa97"})) (StakeRefBase (KeyHashObj (KeyHash {unKeyHash = "1d3554e12c8aed91818a0600a57bea9d50e509beda567387d1247315"}))),MaryValue (Coin 4486868) (MultiAsset (fromList [])),NoDatum,SNothing), sizedSize = 65}), ctbrTotalCollateral = SJust (Coin 513132), ctbrCerts = OSet {osSSeq = StrictSeq {fromStrict = fromList []}, osSet = fromList []}, ctbrWithdrawals = Withdrawals {unWithdrawals = fromList []}, ctbrTxfee = Coin 342088, ctbrVldt = ValidityInterval {invalidBefore = SNothing, invalidHereafter = SNothing}, ctbrReqSignerHashes = fromList [], ctbrMint = MultiAsset (fromList [(PolicyID {policyID = ScriptHash "53827a77e4ed3d5c211706708c0aa9b9a3be19db901b1cbf7fa515b8"},fromList [("b7f1e540a130b7d9010c9ad87f284d914ab9753ae846c9b5221436086efe5f01",1)])]), ctbrScriptIntegrityHash = SJust (SafeHash "a23cebd1aef6f5c9a3bb5c4469bc0b5c316a7090c6306109ebe6ce1d088b3fe5"), ctbrAuxDataHash = SJust (AuxiliaryDataHash {unsafeAuxiliaryDataHash = SafeHash "37c0555635ab7e45ec39bd8feb873080d036c9a67c4cdd0c85e1c5291b0482f2"}), ctbrTxNetworkId = SNothing, ctbrVotingProcedures = VotingProcedures {unVotingProcedures = fromList []}, ctbrProposalProcedures = OSet {osSSeq = StrictSeq {fromStrict = fromList []}, osSet = fromList []}, ctbrCurrentTreasuryValue = SNothing, ctbrTreasuryDonation = Coin 0} (blake2b_256: SafeHash "dfd37a5f16ecb4203ff240e0c426890f8c400e1ddfbdf1accaeb8cc348fa3b5c"), wits = AlonzoTxWitsRaw {atwrAddrTxWits = fromList [WitVKeyInternal {wvkKey = VKey (VerKeyEd25519DSIGN "e8807993d91ac035385bea2cc7577876d1ed3ca05b78ac0fc1be65b741c61957"), wvkSig = SignedDSIGN (SigEd25519DSIGN "9a37152ba1fe5b8a2026eca077d1e154795812bdc8008c43cd6028d08485062f91a980f88f0739cfb1763117debe6673f0fc0ffb2362659b89449a1b30a49d08"), wvkKeyHash = KeyHash {unKeyHash = "99f8985db8b9076f61ecec59eca67e30224dc20afb40491aecc6aa97"}, wvkBytes = "\130X \232\128y\147\217\SUB\192\&58[\234,\199Wxv\209\237<\160[x\172\SI\193\190e\183A\198\EMWX@\154\&7\NAK+\161\254[\138 &\236\160w\209\225TyX\DC2\189\200\NUL\140C\205`(\208\132\133\ACK/\145\169\128\248\143\a9\207\177v1\ETB\222\190fs\240\252\SI\251#be\155\137D\154\ESC0\164\157\b"}], atwrBootAddrTxWits = fromList [], atwrScriptTxWits = fromList [], atwrDatsTxWits = TxDatsConstr TxDatsRaw {unTxDatsRaw = fromList [(SafeHash "7caffd4aa6d4942ad42cf8d109feee13994ab5dc3bd657a571b70d679538d575",DataConstr Constr 0 [B "\153\248\152]\184\185\aoa\236\236Y\236\166~0\"M\194\n\251@I\SUB\236\198\170\151",Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B "\153\248\152]\184\185\aoa\236\236Y\236\166~0\"M\194\n\251@I\SUB\236\198\170\151"],Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B "\GS5T\225,\138\237\145\129\138\ACK\NUL\165{\234\157P\229\t\190\218Vs\135\209$s\NAK"]]]],Constr 0 [B "",B ""],I 100000000,I 100000000,Constr 0 [B "\198\230[\167\135\139/\142\160\173\&9(}>/\210V\220\\A`\252\EM\189\244\196\216~",B "tGENS"],Constr 0 [I 1,I 1],B "\183\241\229@\161\&0\183\217\SOH\f\154\216\DEL(M\145J\185u:\232F\201\181\"\DC46\bn\254_\SOH",Constr 1 [],Constr 1 [],I 0,I 1000000,I 1000000,Constr 0 [I 1000000,I 300000,I 0],I 0] (blake2b_256: SafeHash "7caffd4aa6d4942ad42cf8d109feee13994ab5dc3bd657a571b70d679538d575"))]} (blake2b_256: SafeHash "f9be8c20a8c55a5c744f293db49f89505a82a2ce89ad86479f95983e044b4fe9"), atwrRdmrsTxWits = RedeemersConstr fromList [(ConwayMinting (AsIx {unAsIx = 0}),(DataConstr Constr 0 [Constr 0 [Constr 0 [B "g{2\204\166\&8x6\252S\236\&5\180\ACK\b\NUL\137<\"\237\193\225\210\SI\247LB\230z\202\RS!"],I 1]] (blake2b_256: SafeHash "63392b71d2cdffc553e10e7804c08897c9eb5a2ca6d83e647bf523796ca35741"),WrapExUnits {unWrapExUnits = ExUnits' {exUnitsMem' = 726550, exUnitsSteps' = 231770400}}))] (blake2b_256: SafeHash "df0708c4c44f7ff380ded920ebe4e51be34b100e9235df0294cb64948c047c0f")} (blake2b_256: SafeHash "0a0052247e0995d8010860a20560f5cd9faf78b057fa6cd1f367fd900f8248fa"), isValid = IsValid True, auxiliaryData = SJust (AuxiliaryDataConstr AlonzoTxAuxDataRaw {atadrMetadata = fromList [(674,Map [(S "msg",List [S "GeniusYield: Order placed"])])], atadrTimelock = StrictSeq {fromStrict = fromList []}, atadrPlutus = fromList []} (blake2b_256: SafeHash "37c0555635ab7e45ec39bd8feb873080d036c9a67c4cdd0c85e1c5291b0482f2"))}))
txFromHex :: String -> Maybe GYTx
txFromHex s = rightToMaybe $ txFromHexBS $ BS8.pack s
txFromHex s = rightToMaybe $ txFromHexE s

txFromHexE :: String -> Either String GYTx
txFromHexE s = txFromHexBS $ BS8.pack s

{- |

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