Some tools to manipulate OGS (Official Gene Sets). These tools were written for (insect) genomes hosted on BIPAA platform.
We tried to make them as generic as possible, hoping that maybe they could be useful for other people. Contributions are of course welcome if it doesn't fit perfectly your use case.
Some of these tools would deserve some big refactoring, but 'It works'©.
Here's how we manage annotations at BIPAA:
- Automatic annotation with Maker
- Apollo server for manual curation, following our guidelines
- Each night, our Apollo report application checks that each annotated gene follows our guidelines. A report is available for each user with a list of errors and warnings that needs to be fixed, and a list of valid gene.
- Regularly we generate a new OGS by merging the automatic annotation with Apollo annotated genes (the valid ones only). We use the
script to do that. - To submit the OGS to ENA @ EBI in EMBL format, we (would like to) use
These tools can be install with pip:
pip install gogstools
This script allows to merge a base annotation with an apollo annotation. Genes from the base annotation are replaced by overlapping apollo genes, preserving original IDs with a version suffix.
It depends on 4 software that can be installed from conda like this:
conda create --name ogsmerger bedops==2.4.39 bedtools cufflinks bcbiogff
(pinning to bedops 2.4.39 as version 2.4.40 broke the output of gff2bed)
Then you can source the conda environment:
source activate ogsmerger
Install gogstools with pip inside the conda env:
pip install gogstools
And run the script:
usage: ogs_merge [-h] [-p PREVIOUS_GFF] [-d DELETED] [-o OUT_PREFIX] [--exon_parent_regex EXON_PARENT_REGEX] [--exon_parent_to_gene EXON_PARENT_TO_GENE] [--isoform_prefix ISOFORM_PREFIX] [--use_numbers_for_isoform]
[--first_isoform_not_numbered] [--no_id_padding] [--id_syntax_rna ID_SYNTAX_RNA]
genome ogs_name id_regex id_syntax base_gff apollo_gff
positional arguments:
genome Genome file (fasta)
ogs_name Name of the new OGS
id_regex Regex with a capturing group around the incremental part of gene ids, and a second one around the version suffix (e.g. 'GSSPF[GPT]([0-9]{8})[0-9]{3}(\.[0-9]+)?')
id_syntax String representing a gene id, with {id} where the incremental part of the id should be placed (e.g. 'GSSPFG{id}001')
base_gff The gff from the base annotation (usually automatic annotation)
apollo_gff The gff from the new Apollo valid annotation
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PREVIOUS_GFF, --previous_gff PREVIOUS_GFF
The gff from the previous annotation version (if different than <base_gff>)
-d DELETED, --deleted DELETED
File containing a list of mRNAs to remove
-o OUT_PREFIX, --out_prefix OUT_PREFIX
Prefix for output files (default=<ogs_name>_<today's date>)
--exon_parent_regex EXON_PARENT_REGEX
Regex matching exons' Parent ids, with a capturing group around the gene id radical (default='([a-zA-Z0-9]+)([\.0-9]+)?([-_]R[A-Z]+)?(,[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]*)?' )
--exon_parent_to_gene EXON_PARENT_TO_GENE
Replacement string to create a gene id from exon_parent_regex first captured group (aka gene id radical), where \1 is the captured group (default='\1' )
--isoform_prefix ISOFORM_PREFIX
Prefix for the isoform part of mRNA ids (default='-R')
By default, the script will name the isoforms of a gene with letters. If you use this flag, it will be numbers instead.
If you use this flag, the first isoform will not be numbered (e.g. no -RA).
--no_id_padding By default, the numeric part of gene ids will be padded with zeros to a fixed lenght (automatically guessed). If you use this flag, padding is disabled.
--id_syntax_rna ID_SYNTAX_RNA
String representing a gene id, with {id} where the incremental part of the id should be placed (e.g. 'GSSPFR{id}001'). Default is same as id_syntax
This script generates a GFF file, the transcript/cds/protein fasta files, a file with some statistics, and a tabular file with gene ID correspondance between the automatic annotation and the new one.
This script has evolved to support different kind of gene id formats. As the options are not super easy to understand from scratch, here are 2 examples.
As the creativity in GFF file formatting is a constant source of surprise and discontent, this script may of course fail due to unexpected GFF input file...
By default, this script was initially written to support GFF files with ids looking like this:
- gene features: FOOBAR000123
- mRNA feature, first isoform: FOOBAR000123-RA
- mRNA feature, second isoform: FOOBAR000123-RB
- exon feature: FOOBAR000123-RA-exon1
In this case, the default values should be fine, and you would use regex like this:
- id_regex:
- id_syntax:
Genes that get merged with apollo equivalent will have a version suffix appendend to their id, like this: FOOBAR000123.1
. mRNA, exon, etc features will be derived from this id, including the version suffix.
In case of multiple consecutive merges, this version suffix will be incremented if the script detects any new change from apollo (e.g. FOOBAR000123.2
Another kind of numbering scheme (from EMBL maybe? not sure):
- gene features: gene-FOOBAR123
- mRNA feature, first isoform: rna-FOOBAR123
- mRNA feature, second isoform: rna-FOOBAR123-2
- exon feature: exon-FOOBAR000123-1 or exon-FOOBAR000123-2-1
In this case, the following options should work:
ogs_merge \
--isoform_prefix "-" \
--use_numbers_for_isoform \
--first_isoform_not_numbered \
--no_id_padding \
--exon_parent_regex '[a-z]+-([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(-[0-9]+)?([\.0-9]+)?(,[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]*)?' \
--exon_parent_to_gene 'gene-\1' \
--id_syntax_rna "rna-FOOBAR{id}" \
genome.fa \
MYOGS2.1 \
"gene-FOOBAR([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?" \
"gene-FOOBAR{id}" \
./base_annotation.gff \
Genes that get merged with apollo equivalent will have a version suffix appendend to their id, like this: FOOBAR000123.1
. mRNA, exon, etc features will be derived from this id, including the version suffix.
In case of multiple consecutive merges, this version suffix will be incremented if the script detects any new change from apollo (e.g. FOOBAR000123.2
In gff2embl, there is a script to submit annotations to EBI ENA.
$ gff2embl --h
usage: gff2embl [-h] -g GENOME -p PROTEINS -s SPECIES -d DESCRIPTION -e
EMAIL -j PROJECT [--ref_title REF_TITLE]
[--ref_journal REF_JOURNAL] [--ref_authors REF_AUTHORS]
[--ref_pubmed_id REF_PUBMED_ID]
[--ref_consortium REF_CONSORTIUM]
[--no_stop_codon NO_STOP_CODON]
[--out-format {embl-standard,embl-ebi-submit}]
[gff] [out]
positional arguments:
gff The gff to read from
out The output embl file, ready for submission to EBI ENA
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GENOME, --genome GENOME
A fasta file containing genome sequence
-p PROTEINS, --proteins PROTEINS
A fasta file containing protein sequences
-s SPECIES, --species SPECIES
The name of the species
Description of the project
-e EMAIL, --email EMAIL
A valid email address
-j PROJECT, --project PROJECT
A valid EBI study ID (PRJXXXXXXX)
--ref_title REF_TITLE
Title of the reference
--ref_journal REF_JOURNAL
Journal of the reference
--ref_authors REF_AUTHORS
Authors of the reference
--ref_pubmed_id REF_PUBMED_ID
PubMed ID of the reference
--ref_consortium REF_CONSORTIUM
Consortium name of the reference
--no_stop_codon NO_STOP_CODON
Add this option if the protein sequences don't contain
trailing stop codons even for complete sequences
The taxonomic division (INV=invertebrate)
--out-format {embl-standard,embl-ebi-submit}
Flavor of EMBL output format: embl-standard=standard
EMBL format; embl-ebi-submit=EMBL ready to submit to
EBI (some special formating for automatic EBI post-
EBI are using a custom embl format with some exotic validation rules. They provide a tool that performs validation of the produced embl file + automatically reformat some parts of embl files according to their rules. After running gff2embl, you need to get the latest validator jar
Then run:
java -jar -fix -r ogs.embl
This will modify the ogs.embl
file, be sure to keep a backup.
If you only want to validate the emb file without modifying it, run it wihout the -fix option:
java -jar -r ogs.embl
Available under the GPLv3 License
Author: Anthony Bretaudeau [email protected]