Releases: gentlepumpkin/bi-aidetection
1.67 preview 6
- fixed crash when clicking obsolete history entry
1.67 preview 5
- fixed minor bug in history list loading on startup
- starting with Blue Iris version the detected objects CAN be sent along with the flagging url to Blue Iris (memo feature). You can now add "&memo=[summary]" to your trigger as well as your flagging url.
1.67 preview 4
- enhanced choppy UI content resize behavior (mainly in Cameras and Settings tab)
- substantially enhanced stability and speed of image anaylsis
- send alert images to multiple Telegram accounts
- enhanced history list loading speed
- fixed code that detects image loading errors
- upload image to Telegram if an error occurs
- added button to open log file from settings page
- added milliseconds to log time when 'log everything' is checked
- futher enhancements of the log
- several bugfixes
(originally released on 25. Dec 2019)
1.67 preview 3
- added close confirm dialog to prevent accidently closing AI Tool. On first use, AI Tool will ask if this should be disabled.
- the line for relevant detections is above the others in the timeline again
- changed default Deepstack url from "localhost:81" to "", this seems to be more reliable
1.67 preview 2
- added object tags along with object rectangles in History list
- Fixed a bug where analyzing an image that could not be assigned to a camera profile would cause AI Tool to crash.
1.67 preview
Flagging alerts replaces duplicate cameras
Due to changes in Blue Iris we now can flag alerts with detections, so no duplicate camera is needed. You can use "http://blueiris.ip/admin&camera=shortname&flagalert=1" with your BI credentials to flag alerts. You can continue to use your duplicate cameras, but for new cameras, this is the easiest way.
Alert text support ("memo")
Furthermore it's now possible to display information next to a specific alert recording in Blue Iris ("memo"). To hand over information, AI Tool now includes a [summary] parameter which contains all detected objects and can be added to the BI trigger url. You can add "&memo=[summary]" to your trigger or flagging url. The memo must be added when triggering, therefore it currently does not work with a flagging setup without duplicate cameras.
further changes
added filter options for people, vehicles, and animals @Lazersfly
added analysis sleep during first half of cooldown time to minimize CPU load
info text on Main tab shows time of last trigger
Fix error 'Processing the following image' because paths are not properly joined @kvanhertum
improved DeepStack URL input @edalquist
added trigger url paramters (placeholders): @BootsSiR
[camera] gives camera name
[summary] gives a nice summary with all detected objects and confidences
[detection] gives first detected object
[position] gives position of first detected object
[confidence] gives confidence of first detected object
[imagepath] give the full path to the image that caused the trigger
[imagefilename] gives only the filename of the image