GeoBlacklight Admin is a GeoBlacklight plugin, built on Kithe, that provides a complex web-form for editing documents and an CSV-based import/export workflow for OpenGeoMetadata's Aardvark schema. GBL Admin is based on the Big Ten Academic Alliance's production workflow tool GEOMG.
- Rails v7 (not v8)
- Blacklight v7 (not v8)
- GeoBlacklight v4 (not v5)
- @geoblacklight/frontend v4 (NPM package)
- Solr v8.4+
- PostgreSQL (not MySQL-based DBs)
- Redis (for Sidekiq)
- OpenGeoMetadata's Aardvark Schema
You need a PostgreSQL database to use this project.
- Homebrew:
- Docker:
psql postgres
CREATE DATABASE geoblacklight_admin_development;
rails _7.2.2_ new gbl_admin -m
cd gbl_admin
bundle exec rake geoblacklight:server
You have now generated the .internal_test_app and populated the Elements / FormElements tables for OMG Aardvark support.
- Visit http://localhost:3000/admin
- Click on the "Sign in" link
- Enter email: [email protected] and password: 123456
- Click on the "GBL Admin" link
- Import some CSV data (test/fixtures/files/btaa_sample_records.csv)
For Developer documentation see doc/
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.
Send GBLADMIN JavaScript pack to NPM like BlacklightImprove test coverageFix CI test runnerDebug Rails 7.2 support (remove devise_invitable, see #915)Separate dct_references_s support into a separate modelImport/Export dct_references_s outside of the main document model- Data Dictionary: Add support for
- Gazetteer: Add GeoNames support
- Gazetteer: Add Who's On First support
- Gazetteer: Add Ollama support
- Gazetteer: Add BTAA spatial file support
- Migrate our GBL API controllers to just RSolr-based models
- DRY up Gem dependencies and Engine routing
- Remove any remaining GEOMG references