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Run QA checks on PostgreSQL staging tables then upsert data into base tables.


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pg-upsert is a Python package that provides a method to interactively update and/or insert (upsert) rows of a base table or base tables from the staging table(s) of the same name. It is designed to work exclusively with PostgreSQL databases.


Why Use pg-upsert?

Managing data synchronization between staging and production tables in PostgreSQL can be complex and error-prone. pg-upsert simplifies this process by providing a structured, reliable, and interactive approach to upserting data. Here’s why you might want to use it:

  • Automated Integrity Checks – Ensures that NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, and CHECK CONSTRAINT rules are validated before any modifications occur. If all checks pass, the program will display the number of rows to be inserted and updated, and ask for confirmation before proceeding (when the interactive flag is set to True).
  • Interactive Confirmation – Before performing upserts, the tool displays a summary of changes and waits for user confirmation, reducing accidental data corruption.
  • Flexible Upsert Strategies – Supports multiple upsert methods (upsert, update, insert), allowing you to tailor the process to your needs.
  • Schema-Aware Execution – Works across different schemas (staging and base) to help maintain data separation and versioning.
  • Minimal Dependencies – Built specifically for PostgreSQL without requiring complex third-party dependencies.
  • Command-Line and Python API Support – Run it as a script, integrate it into automated workflows, or execute it interactively via CLI.
  • Safe and Transparent – Logs detailed messages about operations performed, making debugging and auditing easier.

Whether you need to merge staging data into production, synchronize changes across environments, or validate table integrity before inserts, pg-upsert is a lightweight yet powerful solution.


This project was created using inspiration from ExecSQL and the example script pg_upsert.sql. The goal of this project is to provide a Python implementation of pg_upsert.sql without the need for ExecSQL.


Two sample database schemas are provided in the tests/data folder and can be used to test the functionality of the pg-upsert package. Both schemas are identical, the only difference is the data contained within the tables. The schema_failing.sql file contains some data rows which will pass the not-null, primary key, foreign key, and check constraint checks, and other rows that will fail the checks. The schema_passing.sql file contains data rows that will pass all checks.

Below is an ERD of the example schema. Code examples below will use this schema for demonstration purposes.


See the Running Tests Locally section for more information on how to set up a test database locally with Docker.


Run PgUpsert using a URI:

import logging

from pg_upsert import PgUpsert

logger = logging.getLogger("pg-upsert")

# Run PgUpsert using a URI
    uri="postgresql://docker@localhost:5432/dev", # Note the missing password. pg-upsert will prompt for the password.
    tables=("genres", "publishers", "books", "authors", "book_authors"),
    exclude_cols=("rev_user", "rev_time"),

Run PgUpsert using an existing connection:

import logging

import psycopg2
from pg_upsert import PgUpsert

logger = logging.getLogger("pg_upsert")

conn = psycopg2.connect(

    tables=("genres", "publishers", "books", "authors", "book_authors"),
    exclude_cols=("rev_user", "rev_time"),


There are two key ways to run pg-upsert from the command line: using a configuration file or using command line arguments.


If the user specifies a configuration file and command line arguments, the configuration file will override any command line arguments specified.

Command Line Arguments

Running pg-upsert --help will display the following help message:

Usage: pg-upsert [OPTIONS]

Run not-NULL, Primary Key, Foreign Key, and Check Constraint checks on staging tables then update and insert (upsert) data from staging tables to base tables.

╭─ Options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --version          -v               Display the version and exit.                                 │
│ --debug                             Display debug output.                                         │
│ --docs                              Open the documentation in a web browser.                      │
│ --quiet            -q               Suppress all console output.                                  │
│ --logfile          -l      PATH     Write log messages to a log file. [default: None]             │
│ --exclude-columns  -x      TEXT     List of column names to exclude from the upsert process.      │
│                                     These columns will not be updated or inserted, but will       │
│                                     still be checked during the QA process. [default: None]       │
│ --null-columns     -n      TEXT     List of column names to exclude from the not-null check       │
│                                     during the QA process. Useful for auto-generated timestamps   │
│                                     or serial columns, which may not be populated immediately.    │
│                                     [default: None]                                               │
│ --commit           -c               If True, changes will be committed to the database once the   │
│                                     upsert process completes. If False, changes will be rolled    │
│                                     back.                                                         │
│ --interactive      -i               If True, the user will be prompted to confirm steps during    │
│                                     the upsert process. If False, the process runs automatically. │
│ --upsert-method    -m      TEXT     The method for upserting data. Must be 'upsert', 'update',    │
│                                     or 'insert'. [default: upsert]                                │
│ --host             -h      TEXT     Database host. [default: None]                                │
│ --port             -p      INTEGER  Database port. [default: 5432]                                │
│ --database         -d      TEXT     Database name. [default: None]                                │
│ --user             -u      TEXT     Database user. [default: None]                                │
│ --staging-schema   -s      TEXT     Name of the staging schema for QA checks and upserts.         │
│                                     Tables here must match names in the base schema.              │
│                                     [default: staging]                                            │
│ --base-schema      -b      TEXT     Name of the base schema where tables are updated or inserted. │
│                                     [default: public]                                             │
│ --encoding         -e      TEXT     The encoding for the database connection. [default: utf-8]    │
│ --config-file      -f      PATH     Path to configuration YAML file. [default: None]              │
│ --tables           -t      TEXT     Table names to perform QA checks on and upsert.               │
│                                     [default: None]                                               │
│ --generate-config  -g               Generate a template configuration file. Includes provided     │
│                                     options in the generated file.                                │
│ --help                              Show this message and exit.                                   │

An example of running pg-upsert from the command line is shown below:

pg-upsert -l pg_upsert.log -h localhost -p 5432 -d dev -u docker -s staging -b public -t authors -t publishers -t books -t book_authors -t genres

Configuration File

To use a configuration file, create a YAML file with the format below. This example is also provided in the pg-upsert.example.yaml file. The configuration file can be passed to pg-upsert using the -f or --config-file flag.

debug: false
quiet: false
commit: false
interactive: true
upsert_method: "upsert"  # Options: "upsert", "insert", "update"
logfile: "pg_upsert.log"
host: "host.docker.internal"  # If running pg-upsert in Docker, use this to connect to the host machine. Otherwise, use the IP address or hostname of the database server.
port: 5432
user: "docker"
database: "dev"
staging_schema: "staging"
base_schema: "public"
encoding: "utf-8"
  - "authors"
  - "publishers"
  - "books"
  - "book_authors"
  - "genres"
  - "rev_time"
  - "rev_user"
  - "book_alias"

Then, run pg-upsert -f pg-upsert.example.yaml.


In order to run the Docker image, you may need to setup X11 forwarding to allow GUI applications to run in the container. If you're using MacOS, XQuartz is a popular choice. To enable X11 forwarding, you need to allow connections from the container to your host machine's X11 server. This is typically done by running the xhost command on your host machine.

xhost +localhost

Next, pull the latest image from the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) and run it using the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
  -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
  -v $(pwd):/app \ \
  • The -it flag is used to run the container in interactive mode with a pseudo-TTY.
  • The --rm flag is used to remove the container after it exits.
  • The -e flag is used to set the DISPLAY environment variable to allow GUI applications to run in the container.
  • The first -v flag is used to mount the X11 socket from the host to the container, allowing GUI applications to display on the host's screen.
  • The second -v flag is used to mount the current directory to the /app directory in the container (useful for mounting configuration files or retaining log files).
  • is the image name and tag.
  • --help is the pg-upsert command to run inside the container.


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b <feature-branch>)
  3. Create a Python virtual environment (python -m venv .venv | uv venv)
  4. Activate the virtual environment (source .venv/bin/activate)
  5. Install dependencies (pip install ".[dev]" | uv pip install ".[dev]")
  6. Install pre-commit hooks (python -m pre-commit install --install-hooks)
  7. Make your changes
  8. Run tests with tox
  9. Push your changes to the branch (git push origin <feature-branch>)
  10. Create a pull request

Running Tests Locally

Running tests locally requires a PostgreSQL database. The easiest way to set up a PostgreSQL database is to use Docker. The following command will create a PostgreSQL database called dev with the user docker and password docker:

docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -e POSTGRES_DB=dev -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:latest

Once initialized, import the test data:

docker exec -i postgres psql -U docker -d dev < tests/data/schema_failing.sql

Verify that the tables were created successfully:

docker exec -it postgres psql -U docker -d dev -c "
    SELECT table_schema, table_name
    FROM information_schema.tables
    WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
    AND table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
    ORDER BY table_schema, table_name;

Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content, modifying the values as needed.


Now you can run the tests using tox.


Run QA checks on PostgreSQL staging tables then upsert data into base tables.





