ASPECT v1.5.0
This release includes the following changes:
- New: Choice between different formulations for the governing equations
including Boussinesq and anelastic liquid approximation. - New: Melt transport (two-phase flow).
- Particles: new generators, ghost exchange, performance improvements,
interpolation to fields. - New: Nondimensional material model for incompressible (using the Boussinesq
approximation) and compressible computations (with ALA or TALA) for
nondimensionalized problems. This can be used for benchmark problems like
Blankenbach, King, etc.. - New: Optional DG method for temperature/composition.
- Adiabatic conditions: rework, now includes a reference density profile.
- Free surface: overhaul.
- New cookbooks: continental extension, finite strain, BurnMan interface,
active tracers. - New benchmarks: TanGurnis, Blankenbach, King.
- New: viscoplastic material model.
- Material model interface cleanup.
- Assembly performance improvements.
- New: memory statistics postprocessor.
- New: initial topography plugins.
- Many other fixes and small improvements.
A complete list of changes can be found at