Releases: geoff-maddock/events-tracker
v2022.9.1 - Stable Release
This release v2022.9.1 contains all the updates that have been made since v2021.11.28 - Stable Release early this year.
Overall this project has been using continuous integration, so new features are being rolled out constantly. I've taken a good bit of care to make sure nothing is breaking. However, there have been a few larger upgrades and improvements, so I wanted to get another official stable release out that users can feel confident working from.
- Updated the project to use PHP 8
- Updated the project to use Laravel 9
- Converted locally stored asset uploads to use S3 object storage.
- Added "next events" button for dynamically paging forward on mobile.
- Re-designed the layout of most pages to use a flex-based grid layout that better uses the available screen.
- Re-designed the keyword tags page layout and content.
- Improved the layout of the search results page.
- Refactored remaining routes that were not using slugs to use them.
- Added enhanced data to the headers to improve search results and return site events on google.
- Added a blacklist for sites that you want to exclude from the sitemap and enhanced data.
- Improved sitemap generation.
- Fixed issues with thread creation
- Fixed issues with uploading via drop zone
- Notifications to entity contacts to increase engagement.
- Add in way to relate entity to audio sources (Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Youtube) and players that can be staticly or dynamically populated.
- Add method to embed content on other pages, improve sharing.
- Fleshing out the site API.
- Additional stats on the admin side.
v2021.11.28 - Stable Release
This release 2021.11.28 contains all the updates that have been made since 2021.2.1-BETA release early this year.
You may notice that I'm removing the BETA designation with this release. I expect that this project could be in a "perpetual beta" with new
features being continuously added, improved and integrated. I think as far as the core features and stability, the project is where I'd like it to be, which is the main reason I removed -BETA. I do expect to keep adding and releasing new versions, and doing so more regularly. With this version, I was able to create a detailed deployment document, as well as squash a number of bugs and complete some improvements that make this the most stable and usable version yet.
There is a generally available version of the "edge" development version available to try at
Redesigned UI to be based on Bootstrap 5
Added photos module with tag and related entity routes.
Redesigned email update content and layouts, added emails for following threads and posts.
Refactored routes to use kebab-case slugs.
Refactored a number of pages to work better at mobile sizes.
Added handling for UTF-8 Characters and emojis
Refactored index page filters and enhanced most page filters.
Removed the nav bar hover menu and replaced with links to each page. Works better on mobile.
Made dark mode default and refactored and improved styles.
Fixed a number of security issues
Better error messaging with FB imports
Fixed error when twitter names were invalid
A number of other small bugfixes throughout the UI
Tags page revamp
Add social links for entities (instagram, github)
Add in way to relate entity to audio sources (soundcloud, bandcamp, youtube) and players that can be staticly or dynamically populated.
Add method to embed content on other pages, improve sharing.
2021.2.1-BETA - Catching up release.
This release 2021.2.1-BETA contains all the updates that have been made since v0.1 from 2019.
I'm switching this project to a calver-style release scheme, which will be the date, plus an extra revision incremented if there are multiples in a day. The project is still in beta until the base feature set is complete and the CI/CD is sufficient to take on contributors for future improvement.
There is a generally available version of the beta available to try at
- Laravel v8.x framework base
- Moved entity classes to app/models
- Created factories and seeders to "fixtures" DB for testing
- Added CI google actions for PR including Build, PHP Stan and PHPUnit tests
- Refactored List page controls - More easily built and extended now
- Fixed some security bugs
- FB Integration refactor
- Bootstrap/UI refactor
Looking to tag a new release each month at minimum, if not more frequently.
v2017.8.3-Beta - Working initial minor release
- All base functionality for event repository - pieces that have been in development for a while, but not released.
- Laravel v5.3 framework base
- Events - shows and club nights object - CRUD, listings, calendar, notifications
- Entities - individuals, groups, locations that are artists, venues, etc - CRUD, listings
- Series - shows and club nights that repeat on a schedule - CRUD, listings, calendar
- Tags - keywords that describe objects
- Forum - message board feature with threads and posts
- Search - search function takes keyword and returns matching events, series, tags, users
- Configuration files that make use of environment vars for population
- Added CHANGELOG file to track the changes as this project evolves.