Louvain's community detection algorithm for big graphs
This is a slight modification of Louvain's algorithm based on the Fast unfolding of communities in large networks paper. For optimizitaion, a metric Q is used.
Q = modularity(C) + regularization(C), where C = # of communities
The algorithm has the following structure:
> Generate `REPS` partitions, for each:
> while there is an improvement of modularity:
> Phase1: optimize modularity greedily (with a probability of 1/3 that only c changes are made).
> Phase2: reconstruct the graph as described in the paper.
> Save the value of Q and the partition.
> Pick the partition for the best Q.
> Pick the partition that gives the best Q.
The idea behind the use of MAX_STEPS
for modularity optimization, is that combining too many communities
is penalized by regularization. This is a particular case when clear communities are presented in the graph.
In order to prevent us from "overoptimizing" modularity (at the expense of regularization) and "overcombining" communities,
less steps are taken for the phase 1.
When testing and tuning REPS
, a value of Q = 2.722822 was achieved.
Since all nodes in the graph are in the range [0, V), where V = # vertices, arrays/vectors are used for indexing. This gives a significant sppedup when finding neighbouring communities. The overall time commplexity is: O(M^2 * V) V = # vertices. M has an upper bound of (log V) and depends whether only `MAX_STEPS` where made. The overall space complexity is: O(V + E) (storing graph) E = # edges.
Randomization and maximizing
In order to obtain better results, the vertices selection is randomized. This gives a significant increasу in Q (around 0.2-0.3 for some graphs). Also, the algorithm is executed a fixed number of times. Therefore, we are able to pick the best result from the randomly formed partitions.
Classes can be factored out into separate files for readability. Data structure information printing can be allowed in debug mode only and more comments can be added, describing the functions/algorithms.
After experimenting with different graphs it is clear that there is no algorithm that would suit all cases. Therefore, a better approach may be: 1. Detect graph “type” - whether it’s sparse, dense, with clear communities, etc. This may be done via adjacency matrix construction and analyzing weight density. 2. For each type choose the best suitable metric/algorithm. An alternative to greedy Girvan–Newman or Louvain would be linear algebra or statistical inference based algorithms. Also, speaking of the implemented algorithms, instead of pure randomization it may be better to randomize only a certain amount of time, and other proportion cluster nodes greedily.
Start point and heuristics
The algorithm starts with every node being in a single community. Whereas this is a reasonable starting point, it is clear that some inspection with heuristics in the beginning may allow to identify and cluster together potential communities/“centroid” vertices prior to the main execution. An example of such a heuristic could be density analysis for a chosen N connected vertices. Another heuristic that can be used is that if we have clear communities, the edges between them are rare. Therefore we DO NOT want to cluster nodes together if their communities have only a small number of edges connecting each other.
Input is the file of edges:
src dst
Output is a partition produced by the algorithm (saved to "partion.graph") and the value of Q printed to stdout. For example:
g++ -std=c++11 -O3 -Wall main.cpp -o main
main tests/1.graph