Shinmun is a small file based blog engine. Write posts in your favorite editor, track them with git and deploy to Heroku. Small, fast and simple.
- Posts are text files formatted with Markdown, Textile or HTML
- Deploy via git-push
- Easy and fast deploying on Heroku
- Index, category and archive listings
- RSS feeds
- Syntax highlighting provided by CodeRay
Install the gems:
$ gem install shinmun
Create a sample blog:
$ shinmun init myblog
This will create a directory with all necessary files. Now start the web server:
$ cd myblog
$ rackup
Browse to the following url:
Voilà, your first blog is up and running!
Posts can be created by using the shinmun
command inside your blog
shinmun post 'The title of the post'
Shinmun will then create a post file in the right place, for example
in posts/2008/9/
Each blog post is just a text file with a YAML header and a body. The YAML header is surrounded with 2 lines of 3 dashes.
The YAML header has following attributes:
: mandatorydate
: posts need one, pages notcategory
: a post belongs to one categorytags
: a comma separated list of tags
Example post:
date: 2008-09-05
category: Ruby
tags: bluecloth, markdown
title: BlueCloth, a Markdown library
This is the summary, which is by definition the first paragraph of the
article. The summary shows up in category listings or the index listing.
Thanks to the fantastic highlighting library CodeRay, highlighted
code blocks can be embedded easily in Markdown. For Textile support
you have to require coderay/for_redcloth
. These languages are
supported: C, Diff, Javascript, Scheme, CSS, HTML, XML, Java, JSON,
To activate CodeRay for a code block, you have to declare the language in lower case:
def method_missing(id, *args, &block)
puts "#{id} was called with #{args.inspect}"
Note that the declaration MUST be followed by a blank line!
+ pages
+ posts
+ 2007
+ 2008
+ 9
+ public
+ styles.css
+ templates
+ 404.rhtml
+ archive.rhtml
+ category.rhtml
+ index.rhtml
+ index.rxml
+ layout.rhtml
+ page.rhtml
+ post.rhtml
you can set the properties of your blog:
blog.config = {
:language => 'en',
:title => "Blog Title",
:author => "The Author",
:categories => ["Ruby", "Javascript"],
:description => "Blog description"
Layout and templates are rendered by ERB. The layout is defined in
. The content will be provided in the variable
. A minimal example:
<title><%= @blog.title %></title>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'style' %>
<%= @content %>
The attributes of a post are accessible via the @post variable:
<div class="article">
<h1><%= @post.title %></h1>
<div class="date">
<%= human_date %>
<%= @post.body_html %>
Install the Heroku gem:
$ gem install heroku
Installing your public key:
$ heroku keys:add
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: [email protected]
Uploading ssh public key /Users/joe/.ssh/
Create an app on Heroku.
$ heroku create myblog
Created | [email protected]:mybblog.git
Git remote heroku added
Now on your local machine, you create a new remote repository and push your blog to Heroku:
$ cd ~/myblog
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'initial commit'
$ git push heroku
That's it. Your blog is deployed.
Download or fork the package at my github repository