XDW is a tool in Java for XML Data Warehousing, Version Control and Temporal Querying, where huge number of files or versions need to be stored. The tool we developed uses XDP - XML Diff and Patch to get diff files and therefore save space. The application stores the last version of the document along with the backward deltas in order to query the past.
This Application was part of a project in the Lebanese American University, Course: Intelligent Data Processing and Applications (COE 543/743).
App Version: 1.1 - backward compatible with the older version.
This Tool is built by Georgio Yammine and Rami Naffah.
Java 8, JavaFX and FXML with JFoenix and TilesFX Libraries.
- Oracle JDK 8 is required for running the app and can be downloaded from here.
- Be sure to have the path set to jdk 8.
- This can be checked by calling
java -version
Project and runnable jar file created in eclipse.
exe created using launch4j.
To set this app as the default for XML data warehousing projects (.xdw),File.xdw right click -> properties -> [open with:] -> Change -> select [XDW _ XML Data Warehouse.exe].
To delete history(Recent/Pinned), delete history.cfg file.