Basic introduction to PostgreSQL
This repository provides an intro to PostgreSQL (postgres) database (db).
The connection details are as follows:
- IP: IP
- Port: 5432
- Data base: georodco_covid19
- user name: username
- password: password
Using the above parameters you can connect to the db using your prefered choice of statitical program (R, Stata, Excel, etc.)
R is an open-source computational and statistical program. You can download it from here: R-project
Using R with data from a Postgres db
# Install libraries (only once) install.packages("DBI") # Generic database connector #install.packages("RPostgreSQL") #install.packages("rpostgis") # optional # Load library library(DBI) library(RPostgreSQL) library(RPostgis) # optional # create conection to the db con <- DBI::dbConnect(drv = "PostgreSQL", user='user', password='password', host='IP', port=5432, dbname='georodco_covid19') # ask db for table ecu_covid19 res <- dbSendQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM ecu_covid19") cv19 <- dbFetch(res) # check number of rows and columns (25x15) dim(cv19) # check out first (6) rows in the table head(cv19) # Working with spatial data found in Postgres #Method 1: use package sf library(sf) prov <- st_read(con, layer="provinces") library(ggplot2) ggplot(prov) + geom_sf() + theme_bw() # delete connection object dbClearResult(res) # disconnect from the db dbDisconnect(con)
Relational dbs are flexible, extensible, and scalable. They are very useful for managing data in colloborative projects.