Extension of the Geovisto core library which provides the info tool.
This repository is a snapshot of Geoviosto tools/info
derived from the development repository:
import {
} from 'geovisto-info';
import 'geovisto-info/dist/index.css';
// ,,,
// create instance of map with given props
const map = Geovisto.createMap({
// ...
tools?: Geovisto.createMapToolsManager([
// instances of Geovisto tools (extensions) which will be directly used in the map
// ...
id: "geovisto-tool-info",
// rendering of the map
// initial settings of the map can be overriden by the map config - JSON structure providing user settings
// ...
tools?: [
// config of Geovisto tools (extensions) used in the map
"type": "geovisto-tool-info",
"id": "geovisto-tool-info",
"enabled": true,
"defaultFile": "intro.md"
npm install --save geovisto-info
Peer dependencies:
npm install --save geovisto leaflet
This package serves as an extension of Geovisto core using the API for Geovisto tools (extensions). Follow Geovisto core on Github.