Dartson is a dart library which converts Dart Objects into their JSON representation. It helps you keep your code clean of fromJSON
and toJSON
functions by using dart:mirrors reflection. It works after dart2js compiling.
Add the following lines to the pubspec.yaml in order to use the transformer:
- dartson
Remove the @MirrorsUsed annotation and the assigned import if it's no longer used by any other library. When using the transformer, mirrors are completely removed when pub build is called.
- Support of nested generics (example:
) - Support of methods within entities (example:
String getAName() => "${whatEver}.Name";
) - "as" import of dartson within a library separated into parts
- Complete end2end testing
- All dartson imports "package:dartson/dartson.dart" are rewritten to "package:dartson/dartson_static.dart"
- Classes that are annotated using "@Entity" receive 3 methods "dartsonEntityEncode", "dartsonEntityDecode", "newEntity" and implement "StaticEntity"
- Entities cannot contain one of the following methods: "dartsonEntityEncode", "dartsonEntityDecode", "newEntity"
- The interface StaticEntity will be added to the global namespace, there shouldn't be any other class named the same
- Entities need to have a default constructor without any arguments
- Entities of third party libraries do not work
- Entities can only extend other Entities
- Dartson transformer should be placed on top of all transformers to prevent CodeTransform issues (known when using polymer)
library example;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart';
class EntityClass {
String name;
bool otherName;
String notVisible;
// private members are never serialized
String _private = "name";
String get doGetter => _private;
void main() {
var dson = new Dartson.JSON();
EntityClass object = new EntityClass();
object.name = "test";
object.otherName = "blub";
object.notVisible = "hallo";
String jsonString = dson.encode(object);
// will return: '{"name":"test","renamed":"blub","doGetter":"name"}'
library example;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart';
class EntityClass {
String name;
String _setted;
bool otherName;
String notVisible;
List<EntityClass> children;
set setted(String s) => _setted = s;
String get setted => _setted;
void main() {
var dson = new Dartson.JSON();
EntityClass object = dson.decode('{"name":"test","renamed":"blub","notVisible":"it is", "setted": "awesome"}', new EntityClass());
print(object.name); // > test
print(object.otherName); // > blub
print(object.notVisible); // > it is
print(object.setted); // > awesome
// to parse a list of items use [decode] and set the third argument to true
List<EntityClass> list = dson.decode('[{"name":"test", "children": [{"name":"child1"},{"name":"child2"}]},{"name":"test2"}]', new EntityClass(), true);
print(list.length); // > 2
print(list[0].name); // > test
print(list[0].children[0].name); // > child1
Frameworks like Angular.dart come with several HTTP services which already transform the HTTP response to a map using JSON.encode. To use those encoded Maps or Lists use map
library example;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart';
class EntityClass {
String name;
String _setted;
bool otherName;
String notVisible;
List<EntityClass> children;
set setted(String s) => _setted = s;
String get setted => _setted;
void main() {
var dson = new Dartson.JSON();
EntityClass object = dson.map({"name":"test","renamed":"blub","notVisible":"it is", "setted": "awesome"}, new EntityClass());
print(object.name); // > test
print(object.otherName); // > blub
print(object.notVisible); // > it is
print(object.setted); // > awesome
// to parse a list of items use [map] and set the third argument to true
List<EntityClass> list = dson.map([{"name":"test", "children": [{"name":"child1"},{"name":"child2"}]},{"name":"test2"}], new EntityClass(), true);
print(list.length); // > 2
print(list[0].name); // > test
print(list[0].children[0].name); // > child1
Transformers are used to encode / decode none serializable types that shouldn't be treated as objects / lists (for example DateTime).
/// A simple DateTime transformer which uses the toString() method.
class DateTimeParser<T> extends TypeTransformer {
T decode(dynamic value) {
return DateTime.parse(value);
dynamic encode(T value) {
return value.toString();
In order to use the TypeTransformer you need to register the transformer in a main function:
// ...
void main() {
var dson = new Dartson.JSON();
dson.addTransformer(new DateTimeParser(), DateTime);
library test;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart';
import 'package:dartson/transformers/date_time.dart';
void main() {
var dson = new Dartson.JSON();
dson.addTransformer(new DateTimeParser(), DateTime);
Use String jsonString = dson.encodeReferenceAware(object);
instead of String jsonString = dson.encode(object);
to serialize object graphs. The object graph may include circular references. Use dson.decodeReferenceAware(json, object)
to deserialize.
Note: Lists and Maps will not be serialized reference aware!
References to already serialized objects will be represented by an placeholder (map): { "__reference#__": <id> }
. To referenced objects an identifier will be added to the serializable map (json): "__instance#__": <id>
. See sample below.
library example;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart' as ds;
class PersonStore {
List<Person> persons;
List<Tag> tags;
class Person {
int id;
String name;
Person parent;
class Tag {
int id;
String name;
List<Person> persons;
void main() {
var dson = new ds.Dartson.JSON();
var p1 = new Person()
..id = 1
..name = 'Yin';
var p2 = new Person()
..id = 2
..name = 'Yang'
..parent = p1;
p1.parent = p2; // circular reference
var t1 = new Tag()
..id = 1
..name = 'Test'
..persons = [p1, p2];
var store = new PersonStore()
..persons = [p1, p2]
..tags = [t1];
// serialize:
var json = dson.encodeReferenceAware(store);
/* will return:
// deserialize:
var deserialized = dson.decodeReferenceAware(json, new PersonStore());
Type-identifiers are needed for polymorphic relationships (inheritance) or dynamic root object. Register type-identifier via dson.addIdentifier("identifier", type);
. These identifiers gets added to the serialized object in form of: { "__identifier__": <type-identifier> }
. See sample below.
library example;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart' as ds;
class Company {
List<Employee> employees;
class Employee {
String name;
class Manager extends Employee {
List<Employee> team;
void main() {
var dson = new ds.Dartson.JSON();
dson.addIdentifier("employee", Employee);
dson.addIdentifier("mananger", Manager);
var e1 = new Employee()
..name = 'Tim';
var e2 = new Employee()
..name = 'Tom';
var m1 = new Manager()
..name = 'Bob'
..team = [e1, e2];
var company = new Company()
..employees = [e1, e2, m1];
// serialize:
var json = dson.encodeReferenceAware(company);
/* will return:
// deserialize:
var deserialized = dson.decodeReferenceAware(json, new Company());
Also root objects can be serialized and deserialized using identifiers:
library example;
import 'package:dartson/dartson.dart' as ds;
class Company {
void main() {
var dson = new ds.Dartson.JSON();
dson.addIdentifier("company", Company);
var company = new Company();
// serialize:
var json = dson.encodeReferenceAware(company);
/* will return:
// deserialize - pass null to force identifier should be used for root object:
var deserialized = dson.decodeReferenceAware(json, null);