A state variable filter. This is a filter which output a highpass, bandpass and lowpass signal. The damping factor allows for resonant sounds when set near zero. TREAT WITH CAUTION, YOU CAN DAMAGE YOU EARS! The UI was implemented for the MOD Duo from moddevices.com, however the plugin loads well in other lv2 hosts. Controlled by an expression pedal and with a damping factor ~ 0.1 the lowpass output sounds like a traditional Wha-Wha effect. An interesting addition to this is to pipe the highpass through a reverb (set the wet parameter of the reverb to 100%) and the bandpass through a delay
You need the lv2 development headers and libraries. On ubuntu (or any debian derivativ) run
sudo apt-get install lv2-dev
then build
You must tell the installer where the lv2 bundle is to be installed
LV2DIR=/path/to/lv2plugins make install
For uninstalling run
LV2DIR=/path/to/lv2plugins make unstall
You must have jalv.qt5 installed to run the test. First start jackd (I use qjackctl as the frontend) Run
LV2DIR=/path/to/lv2plugins make test
Install mod-plugin-builder. Then in the directory mod-plugin-builder/plugins/package create a link to the directory where this repo is cloned
cd ~/mod-plugin-builder/plugins/package
ln -s /path/to/StateVariableFilter-LV2 .
Build the plugin for modduo
cd ~/mod-plugin-builder
./build modduo StateVariableFilter-LV2-dirclean
./build modduo StateVariableFilter-LV2
Connect your MOD Duo and push the plugin to the device:
./build modduo StateVariableFilter-LV2-publish