IMBA - Gerlich Groupe
[email protected]
C.C.H. Langer, M. Mitter, A. Goloborodko
pipeline aims to provide the following preprocessing functionality:
- Align the sequences of Hi-C molecules to the reference genome
- Parse .sam alignment and create files with Hi-C pairs
- Filter PCR duplicates
- Annotate S4T mutation
- Filter cis and trans contacts
- Aggregate pairs into binned matrices of Hi-C interactions
- java 8
- nextflow
- docker/singularity (should be able to run w/o root privileges, tutorial)
- an optional container if you start with raw bcl files instead of demultiplexed fastq files
- the main container including all of the software needed to run the rest of the pipeline
Here an example of how to prime our cluster for the pipeline:
module load singularity/3.7.3 # or whatever the newest version currently is (find via the command: module spider singularity)
module load nextflow/20.01.0 # or any newer version
singularity pull docker://
singularity pull docker://
Now pull the pipeline directly with nextflow:
nextflow clone gerlichlab/scshic_pipeline ./
or if you have git installed, simply type:
git clone [email protected]:gerlichlab/scshic_pipeline ./
This will download the scsHi-C pipeline and the configuration files into the current working directory.
Attention: Running the pipeline is only recommended on a scientific cluster. For a NovaSeq flowcell, the working directory of nextflow will be >15TB large.
Here is the example set up for a SLURM batch system.
To run on the pipeline on a cluster, you need to modify not only
but also the /conf/cbe.conf
to adapt it to your cluster.
We have provided our run script and config file for our SLURM cluster as an example.
To launch the pipeline, you would run:
For the demultiplexing with bcl2fastq2 you need to provide it with a sample sheet/
A minimal example is provided with .\examples\Samplesheet.csv
; in it, the samples are named (Sample_ID) like the barcodes, and the sheet is for a NavaSeq flowcell with two lanes.
Attention: Only use alphanumeric characters for the Sample_ID.
If you misformat the file, you will only get two files starting Undetermined*, and the pipeline will stop.
If you provide the pipeline with a folder of demultiplexed .fastq files,
add the following parameter to the nextflow command in
Attention: Make sure your filenames of your .fastq files are alphanumeric only
--skipDemultiplexing "true"
- Demultiplexing with bcl2fastq2 If the Sequencing facility does not provide you with demultiplexed.fastq this step is necessary to distinguish between the individual samples (often different experimental conditions) and pooled samples.
- FastQC (on each sample) for raw sequencing reads quality control: FastQC is a tool that provides series of quality control checks on raw sequence data. It provides a report including visualizations to give a quick impression if the data has any heavier problems one should be aware of or consider before doing any further analysis.
- Merge the fq-files of two lanes: Since a full Illumina NovaSeq run includes two flowcells, a simple operation that concatenates two gzipped fastq files performed with the unix ’cat’ command.
- Alignment using bwa-mem: The reads were aligned to a hg19 human genome with a correction for aberrant genome situations (SNPs and chromosomal translocations) of our HeLa cervical cancer cell lines used in our experiments.
- Parse: find ligation junctions in .sam, make .pairsam
- Sort: Sorting the .pairsam files
- Dedup: Find and remove PCR/optical duplicates. We used pairtools to detect ligation junctions of HiC pairs in aligned paired-end sequences of Hi-C DNA molecules (done by parse). These .pairs files were sorted for downstream analyses and PCR/optical duplicates were detected, tagged and removed.
- Annotate S4T mutations: We labeled a subset of DNA using synthetic nucleotides, in our case, the newly synthesized sister chromatid and developed a novel method coined sister-chromatid sensitive Hi-C (scsHi-C) that allows the elucidation of sister chromatid structure at unprecedented resolution. During this step we were looking for the characteristic T-to-C and A-to-G mutations and decided afterward, according to heuristic, if the mutations are due to the labeling.
- Filter cis and trans contacts: Filter for contacts within or between sister chromatids.
- Merge ref and comp .pairs file: Merge reference and complementary strand reads using pairtools.
- Generate cools: Create a cooler (i.e. .cool files) from genomic pairs and bins, which is an efficient storage format for high-resolution genomic interaction matrices using cooler.
- Zoomify and balance: generates a multi-resolution cooler file by coarsening and out-of-core matrix balancing. It is the final output and is loaded by the HiGlass visualization system.
- scsHi-C specific QC:
- Fraction of labelled contacts for all samples.
- Fraction of unique reads.
- Trans-chromosomal/Cis-chromosomal contacts.
- Size-distribution of contacts.
This tool was developed for the following paper: M. Mitter et al.
The protocol paper: M. Mitter, Z. Takacs. et al. (submitted)
Is used for the papers.
Is built to automatically start from a FileMaker17 database. The location of all output files are entered to the database after completion.
MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Christoph C. H. Langer
The scsHi-C pipeline uses the following software components and tools:
- bcl2fastq2 (2.20.0)
- bwa mem (0.7.17) as in other Hi-C processing pipelines we are using the -SP5M flag
- -SP option is used to ensure the results are equivalent to that obtained by running bwa mem on each mate separately, while retaining the right formatting for paired-end reads. This option skips a step in bwa mem that forces alignment of a poorly aligned read given an alignment of its mate with the assumption that the two mates are part of a single genomic segment.
- -5 option is used to report the 5' portion of chimeric alignments as the primary alignment. In Hi-C experiments, when a mate has chimeric alignments, typically, the 5' portion is the position of interest, while the 3' portion represents the same fragment as the mate. For chimeric alignments, bwa mem reports two alignments: one of them is annotated as primary and soft-clipped, retaining the full-length of the original sequence. The other end is annotated as hard-clipped and marked as either 'supplementary' or 'secondary'. The -5 option forces the 5'end to be always annotated as primary.
- -M option is used to annotate the secondary/supplementary clipped reads as secondary rather than supplementary, for compatibility with some public software tools such as picard MarkDuplicates.
- fastqc (0.11.8)
- pairtools (0.3.0)
- a custom s4T detection python/cython script included in this repo
- cooler (0.8.6)
All components have been packaged into containers:
- bcl2fastq container can be found on dockerhub and git
- scshic container can be found on dockerhub and git
- Upstream analysis with the Jupyter notebooks that create all Figures of the scsHi-C paper.
- Use Michael's upstream HiCTools; they facilitate analysis of HiC data based on the cooler and cooltools interfaces.
- A python wrapper for OnTAD to use with resulting mcoolers.
- Downstream analysis with cooltools!
- Visualize your cooler data with HiGlass!