Welcome to my plugins repo. To add my repo, use the following details.
Github Repository owner: Oiuyo
Github Repository name: Oli-plugins
To use my plugins you must have Illumine's repo for the iUtils plugin.
Github Repository owner: illumineawake
Github Repository name: illu-plugins
I want to credit Mike and ImNo in particular for helping me learn about plugins and plugin development as well as Illumine for his extensive utils and for building a great community in his server. Please support them and check out their plugins in their servers.
Mike's Plugins (MK Plugins): https://discord.com/invite/SY9hEVTM5t
ImNo's Plugins (UG Plugins): https://discord.com/invite/jHueD8YGKU
Illumine's Plugins: https://discord.com/invite/9fGzEDR