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WhatsR 1.0.2

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@JuKo007 JuKo007 released this 21 Nov 15:52
· 71 commits to master since this release
  • temporarily removed plot_locations() functions until update version of ggmap package is available via CRAN that supports stadiamaps
  • explicitly using agg_png() function for plot_emoji() in tests and examples to avoid character encoding issues in tests and checks
  • fixed a bug in all heatmaps where the tile width could be displayed incorrectly by adding width = 1 parameter
  • corrected spelling in all functions and tests from anoni* to anony*, e.g. "anonymize"
  • rewrote download_emoji() function to rely on unicode website instead of emojipedia
  • added code to remove NAs before passing objects to ggplot2 to remove warning messages. Returned dataframe will continue to contain NAs
  • Ordering dataframes by TimeOrder column before plotting for functions depending on correct order, e.g. plot_tokens_over_time, plot_network, plot_tokens and heatmaps
  • fixed an issue in plot_network by specifying to use dplyr::lag() instead of stats::lag()