This plugin make it easy to submit form in GestiXi generated websites.
form-submitter depends on jQuery. To use it, include this in your page :
<script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="form-submitter.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
To use Form Submitter, you just need to do this:
$(function() {
// options if needed
The receiver can be either a form or a DOM element containing a form.
Your server will have to respond a JSON encoded object with the following optionnals parameters :
- notification: an HTML Bootstrap alerts.
- helpInline: a JSON encoded object with the name of the input field as a key and the error as a value.
- redirectUrl: on URL to redirect the page to.
If this is too opinionated for you, feel free to fork it and adapte it to your use case.
Delegate called before form submission.
Return false
to prevent form submitting.
willSend: function() {
return true;
Delegate called to get the form data.
formSettings: function(evt) {
var $form = this.$form;
return {
method: $form.attr("method"),
url: $form.attr("action"),
data: $form.serialize()
Delegate called after form submission.
Delegate called before the response handling.
Delegate called after the response handling.
Duration of the notifications in milliseconds.
Default: 8000
Layout of the notifications.
Default: 'position:fixed;top:10px;left:10px;width:350px;z-index:1000;'
The DOM element.
didSend: function(evt) {
The jQuery form element.
didSend: function(evt) {
The options object.
Nicolas Badia
Copyright 2013-2016 GestiXi under The MIT License (MIT).