This proxy exists to simplify requests to lightning address providers.
- Many ln addresses don't support CORS, which means fetching the data directly in a browser environment will not always work.
- Two requests are required to retrieve lnurlp and keysend data for a lightning address. The proxy will do these for you with a single request.
GET /lightning-address-details?ln=<lightning_address>
GET[email protected]
GET /generate-invoice?ln=<lightning_address>&amount=<amount_in_millisats>&comment=<http_encoded_comment>
Please refer to the (LUD-06, LUD-12, LUD-18) and any other LUD that extends the functionality of LUD-06 for more information on what parameters can be passed.
GET[email protected]&amount=1000&comment=Hello%20Alby!
This proxy is used by Alby Tools
cp .env.example .env
go run .