A RESTful API with a single endpoint that fetches the data in the provided MongoDB collection and return the results in the requested format.
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/getir-nodejs-bootcamp/getir-nodejs-bootcamp-graduation-project-nisanurbaydas.git
cd getir-nodejs-bootcamp-graduation-project-nisanurbaydas
Install the dependencies:
npm install
To start project:
npm start
To run test:
npm run test
|--config\ # configuration related things
|--controllers\ # Route controllers (controller layer)
|--loaders\ # Db connection
|--logs\ # Log files
|--middlewares\ # Custom express middleware (Error handling and Validations)
|--models\ # Mongoose models (data layer)
|--routes\ # Routes
|--services\ # Business logic (service layer)
|--test\ # Testing frameworks
|--validations\ # Request data validation schemas
|--app.js # Express app
List of available routes:
POST /records - my records
Request Parameters:
Parameters | Type | Description |
startDate | String | Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format |
endDate | String | Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format |
minCount | Number | Minimum count for filtering |
maxCount | Number | Maximum count for filtering |
Request data is validated using Joi. Check the documentation for more details on how to write Joi validation schemas.
The validation schemas are defined in the src/validations directory and are used in the routes by providing them as parameters to the validate middleware.
Write logs to logs/network/access.log with morgan. In app.js:
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const morgan = require('morgan');
const accessLogStream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(__dirname,"logs/network","access.log"), {flags: 'a'});
app.use(morgan("combined", {stream: accessLogStream}));