Config stored in github repo
- Distribution : Debian 10 net-install
- Init Daemon : Systemd
- X Display Manager : Lightdm
- Window Manager : i3wm
- Window compositor : picom | Manages transparency, animations
- Status Bar : py3status
- Sound : PulseAudio
- Notification Daemon : Dunst
- Network manager : NetworkManager
- Blue light filter : Redshift
- Web Browser : Mozilla Firefox
- Additional package manager for utilities not in Debian : Homebrew
- Clipboard manager : copyq
- Screenshot tool : Flameshot
- Terminal : kitty (previously urxvt)
- Shell : zsh with Oh my zsh powerline10k
- Theme : base16 using base16-manager (solarized dark 256 theme)
base16-manager set solarized-dark-256
- Neovim with Vim Plug see .config/nvim/init.vim