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Team project for the Software Engineering course at CCSF, an implementation of Sokoban using Emscripten to generate WASM from C++ with a HTML5 front-end, Puppeteer for end-to-end testing and doctest for unit testing.

Play the game at

Windows installation

The main dependency is Emscripten, which happens to depend on Node and Python which are also used in this project. On Windows, I used Chocolatey to install Emscripten with this script, running choco install emscripten -y. The script can also be used without Chocolatey. Once emsdk is available, I followed the setup shown in the Emscripten docs:

./emsdk install latest
./emsdk activate latest

# export `emcc`, `npm`, `node`, `python`, etc to the path
C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\emsdk\emsdk_env.ps1

Once you have a prompt with the exported path using emsdk_env.ps1, clone or download this repo and run cd ~/path/to/cs195-project.

Download doctest.h, e.g. wget -O tests/engine/doctest.h. You'll need make and g++ (we had success with MinGW 8.1.0 and 8.3.0).

Finally, run npm i from the cs195-project directory to install Jest, Nodemon and Puppeteer to node_modules.

Windows build/run/test

Back-end game engine (C++)

Tests go in tests/engine along with doctest.h. Run make test in that directory.

Front-end UI (HTML/JS)

Make sure you've exported the path using .\emsdk_env.ps1 described in the above section.

These are the build/run/test commands from package.json:

  • npm run build compiles sokoban.wasm and sokoban.js from the src/engine files to the dist directory, builds a file from the levels in src/engine/levels and copies ui files to the dist directory (there's no bundling step for the front-end yet).
  • npm run start starts the Python web server. Navigate to http://localhost:8000/dist to use the application.
  • npm run test runs Jest/Puppeteer. This will fail if localhost from the above step isn't running.
  • npm run watch-backend runs nodemon and make test for unit testing the C++ engine code.

The typical UI development workflow is to run npm run start, then run nodemon to automatically execute npm run build && npm run test whenever a source file changes.

Deploying to GitHub pages

I'm using the gh-pages branch and the docs folder to deploy to Here's the deployent workflow:

git checkout gh-pages
git merge main
npm run build
npm run deploy
git add docs*
git commit -m "Deploy something"
git pull
git push