run the following terminal commands to get started.
npm install
npm run start
npm run dev:react
start heroes database, in terminal,
mysql -u root SHOW DATABASES heroes (to check if it created, if not then run) CREATE DATABASE heroes
if database exists check for tables, in terminal
USE heroes; SHOW tables;
Tables should be listings and pics if tables dont exist, exist mysql with control+d
run command in terminal to create tables
knex migrate:latest
To generate fake data, launch html file in seedmaker folder. The data will be loged in browser console.
Put data into correct files, /seeds/listings.js and /seeds/pics.js
now seed tables with data, in terminal run,
knex seed:run
data should be populated and working, you can check with mysql navigation commands listed above.
Terminal commands for branches/testing
CURRENT BRANCH: new-herophotosshouldbedisplayedinacollage
git checkout master (gets you aligned with master branch) git fetch origin (updates your local file to master copy) git reset --hard origin/master
To make a new branch
git checkout -b new-feature (in terminal, feature being your user story)
git checkout -b marys-feature master
Use these commands to commit to your current branch,
git status git add git commit
also, push up to master repo,
git push -u origin new-feature (this will allow for requesting pulls, fellow teammates review of your code)
for more info
Docker commands
docker images
docker ps -a
docker run
nginx ||
--name webserver <gives container a unique name to identify with, in this case webserver>
-p 80:80 <connect to port 80 on host to port 80 on container, should be open on container to allow outside interactions>
-d <runs containter in detached state, in the background>
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx
docker stop webserver
docker start
docker rm <removes the cointainer, only works if container is shutdown>
docker rm -f webserver2 <forces the stoppage and removal of webserver2, with the use of -f tag>
docker run -d -p 80:80 --rm --name goodbye nginx <adding a --rm tag to a run command makes a container delete itself when its stopped>
docker rmi
docker rm
docker build
-t <stands for tag, what do you want to tag the image your are creating, in this case it is nodeserver>
docker build -t nodeserver .
docker run -d -p 1000:3000 --name slytherin_rulez --rm nodeserver <creates a container title slyher_rulez from the above image
docker restart slytherin_rulez <containers are stateless, this restarts the app and loads the data>
pwd <gives current path to folder you are in terimanl, use to find file patch for next command>
docker run -d -p 1000:8080 -v /:/src/app --name psychic_container colorserver
<this runs an updating instance of your container, all you have to do is save, --name is hte name of new container using colorserver image>
easier version of command
docker run -d -p 2000:8080 -v $(pwd):/src/app --name psychic_container2 colorserver
docker logs psychic_container
Docker commands
docker-compose up
enterinto mysql container,
docker exec -it /bin/bash
-create heroes table,
mysql -u root -p
create database heroes
-now in new terminal enter into app heroes container
docker exec -it /bin/bash
-global install knex
npm install -g knex
-then create tables
knex migrate:latest
-then seed data
knex seed:run
-then restart app container
docker restart
-then vist localhost:3000/ in your browser.
pushing to docker
docker login --username=yourhubusername
EX: docker tag 07e0f4560124 jasonasav/hero_module:faster
docker push yourhubusername/