This repo contains all the files of my Arduino Zero (samd21) based Reflow Oven PID Controller for reflow smd soldering.
- Author: Giacomo Mammarella
- email: [email protected],
For Arduino Nano (V1.1) refer to appropriate branch --> v1.1
- Arduino files: The Arduino files source folder.
- Processing file: The Processing files source folder.
- Prova.brd: Cadsoft Eagle 6.5 .brd file of my Reflow Oven Controller.
- Prova.sch: Cadsoft Eagle 6.5 .sch file of my Reflow Oven Controller.
Get a fully assembled board here or etch it yourself. -- available soon
A newer version of the pcb featuring two thermocouple interface, +12V fan output (for cooling) is under development. It will fit the 16x2 LCD screen and mounts underneath it. Here's a sample rendering. Also a new pid autotuner function and MicroSD card interface for saving custom profiles are getting implemented.
This project is under continuous update (May 2022). Contact me for anything :)