This repository contains the Helm chart used for deploying CAPI clusters via CAPVCD. It deploys:
- CAPI resources
as CNI inkube-proxy
replacement mode (see Limitations section below)- CPI and CSI for VMware Cloud Director
Authentication to the VCD API is achieved as part of the cluster creation process to abide by user-defined resource quotas. It can be achieved by referencing a secret (preferred method) or specifying creds/token in the VCDCluster definition. We only support referencing a secret in this app.
Before deploying a cluster, make sure there is a secret containing the base64 encoded API token of the VCD user in the namespace where you will deploy the cluster.
Using an API token is preferred for authentication over credentials as it can be revoked easily (If both credentials and an API token were specified, the credentials would be ignored). In order to create an API token:
- In the top right corner of the navigation bar, click your user name, and select User preferences.
- Under the Access Tokens section, click New.
- Enter a name for the token, and click Create.
The generated API token appears. You must copy the token because it appears only once. After you click OK, you cannot retrieve this token again, you can only revoke it.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: vcd-credentials
namespace: default
type: Opaque
refreshToken: "xxxxxxxxxxx"
kubectl create secret generic vcd-credentials --from-literal refreshToken="xxxxxxxxx"
Edit the values file (at least the fields that aren't identified as optional), reference the secret containing the user's VCD credentials by name under providerSpecific > userContext > secretRef > secretName
and install the chart in the same namespace.
In the UI vipSubnet
is the field in Networking > Edge Gateway > IP Management > IP Allocations > Allocated IPs > IP Block
. For instance in Ikoula
Example of a values.yaml file for Cloud provider Ikoula with minimum input (making use of default values):
baseDomain: "cluster.local"
description: "glados test cluster"
organization: "giantswarm"
site: ""
org: "xxx"
ovdc: "xxx"
ovdcNetwork: "xxx"
useSecretRef: true
secretName: vcd-credentials
replicas: 3
catalog: "giantswarm"
template: "ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.22.5"
sizingPolicy: "m1.large"
vipSubnet: ""
enabled: true
replicas: 2
catalog: "giantswarm"
template: "ubuntu-2004-kube-v1.22.5"
sizingPolicy: "m1.large"
kubernetesVersion: "v1.22.5+vmware.1"
With this chart we deploy cilium
CNI to the cluster in kube-proxy
replacement mode. This requires us to specify k8sServiceHost
value in the cilium
chart which we chose to be a templated domain name:
k8sServiceHost: api.{{ include "" $ }}.{{ .Values.baseDomain }}
You can see it in cilium-helmrelease.yaml.
This means cluster nodes won't come up Ready before this domain is set to the IP of the Kubernetes API server (it's defined in the Cluster
CR under
). In Giant Swarm clusters we use dns-operator-route53 to create the records (public DNS resolution is then required).
After making a change to the schema, run schemadocs
to update the README documentation.
VALUES_SCHEMA=$(find ./helm -maxdepth 2 -name values.schema.json)
CHART_README=$(find ./helm -maxdepth 2 -name
schemadocs generate $VALUES_SCHEMA -o $CHART_README
Do not make changes to the values.yaml
file manually. That file should be automatically generated from the schema.
cd helm/cluster-cloud-director
helm-values-gen values.schema.json -o values.yaml -f