This is a simple library that is an extension of the Springdoc-Openapi library
This library adds support of the QueryDsl @QuerydslPredicate annotation to Springdoc-Openapi library
It is also very customizable and supports any annotation (ships with @QuerydslPredicate annotation support but more coming later).
Add to your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.gibahjoe:springdoc-param-customizer:[version]'
There are 2 ways to use this library. Both involve creating a bean in your spring project.
Registering as a bean (see below)
public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
//some config
public QuerydslPredicateOperationCustomizer querydslPredicateOperationCustomizer(QuerydslBindingsFactory querydslBindingsFactory) {
return new QuerydslPredicateOperationCustomizer(querydslBindingsFactory);
//other config
Using (a bean that helps to intercept any annotated spring method param for you to customise) and adding the inbuilt DefaultQuerydslPredicateCustomizer. See example below using querydsl customizer
import com.devappliance.springdocparamcustomizer.AnnotatedParameterCustomizer;
import com.devappliance.springdocparamcustomizer.customizerImpl.DefaultQuerydslPredicateCustomizer;
public class WebConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
//some config
public AnnotatedParameterCustomizer annotatedParameterCustomizer(Optional<OpenAPI> openAPI, ObjectProvider<EntityPathResolver> resolver) {
return new AnnotatedParameterCustomizer(openAPI)
.addCustomizer(new DefaultQuerydslPredicateCustomizer(new QuerydslBindingsFactory(resolver.getIfAvailable(() -> SimpleEntityPathResolver.INSTANCE))));
//Ensure to include a bean of your openapi too in your config
public OpenAPI openApi() {
return new OpenAPI();
//other config
The above example uses the inbuilt DefaultQuerydslPredicateCustomizer which displays QueryDslPredicate parameters properly in OpenApi document
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.