The goal of this project is to guess the rock type from CT-scan cutting with deep learning.
It is based on @nfholsen's repository Rock_Cuttings_Characterisation with emphasis on making it easy to use, up to date and running. The PIXE lab at EPFL has the pre-processed images.
The model is trained on the visible minerals (after having preprocessed the CTscans then the rock cuttings) that look like the following:
The project layout is as follows:
- config: where everything relative to the model parameters and dataset combinations is
- sets: *.csv files containing the paths to the chosen images in the Data folder
- data: where all images are kept, grouped by origin
- Borehole: in-situ samples
- Lab: In laboratory scanned cuttings
- Lab_New: contains all of Lab images and some new ones
- New: where samples are saved when pre-processing
- Raw: where the raw (not preprocessed yet) images are kept
- Train: A combination of the Borehole and Lab samples since not every type is available from the Lab set
- outputs: model results will be saved here, sorted by model name defined in the config (*.yaml)) files
- report: image examples and plots
- scripts
- Utils: modules to lighten the main scripts. Note: the path_to function is particularily useful as it takes a relative path with the project as root and transforms it into an absolute path. All paths in the codes should be relative or used via path_to()
- *.py executables and modules
- main.ipynb for any purposes
- scripts.log to help understand and debug the project
Pre-process the files using the script. You can either call its function preprocess(path_to_raw_folders, folder_to_save_in) or run the command: python3 scripts/ -i data/Raw -o data/New
Write a *.csv file containing the image paths and labels or multiple files if you want to split them into train and validations sets already. The script I used could be useful. It should be saved in config/sets
Write the *.yaml config file, you can use the config/debugconfig.yaml file as a template
Train a model by calling the train() function in scripts/ or run the command:
python3 scripts/ config/config_file.yaml
The outputs with results logs should appear under outputs/model_name
Test your model with scripts/